Obama, Abbas, and Netanyahu. Netanyahu 1 Obama and Abbas 0

Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas intends to bring Palestinian Statehood to a vote in the UN General Assembly where it will likely pass. But in the Security Council it will face the veto of the United States. President Obama opposes this vote not because he is opposed to a Palestinian State no in fact he is 200% behind a Palestinian State but he wants to be the one to negotiate it, so he can take full credit for Palestine being a state. One major road block to the Obama dream Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel who is opposed to a Palestinian state under the current terms. Israel will NOT return to pre 1967 borders and they will not cede their land in Judah aka the West Bank and they refuse to agree to any agreement that includes a Palestinian state as long as the Palestinians and much of the Arab world refuse to acknowledge Israel as a state that has a right to exist.
I am with Netanyahu on this issue Israel should stand firm against the Palestinian terrorists until they can give up their terrorist ways and acknowledge Israeli statehood its No Deal!

Obama Strikes out Again with Latest Jobs Plan!
Obama's latest plan to create "Jobs" is more of the same policies we have seen since 2009, his big over hyped "Jobs" Speech was nothing more than a campaign speech to save his job. All we heard was the same tired rhetoric against the rich and the tea party. Blame everyone but himself. We heard the same tried and failed policies of the last 3 years. The President before a joint session of congress called for $450 billion dollars in stimulus, of course he avoided the "S" word like the plague after the failure and unpopularity of the last stimulus package. So with typical word games it was now called investment, or a jobs bill, but we all know the truth don't we. He also called for an increase in the corporate tax rate which is already the second highest in the world and one of the man causes for jobs going overseas, so while other nations are cutting their corporate tax rates to bring in jobs our genius of a president is doing the opposite so therefore we can expect the opposite result meaning more lost jobs.  But the President didn't stop there, no he also wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire which will lead to more jobs lost. So while the President hit the Triple Crown of Progressivism; Spending, Taxes, and Government mandates, I didn't hear one new idea that would bring real job growth back to America. And while the President plays politics with our economy while at the same time blaming the Tea Party for doing so people are suffering. It is time for a Reality Check in DC, 2012 Election can't come soon enough for me.



    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


    June 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    September 2011

