It Is Time For The Tea Party To Wake Up and Stop The Establishment

I have to ask What Happened to The TEA Party? In 2009 and 2010 the TEA Party rallied in opposition to Obama's policies and we managed to deliver a huge blow to the out of control Obama Agenda in the form of Election victories in 2009 and 2010 giving Republicans control of the House with record gains, adding 7 seats in the Senate including the unlikely win in Massachusetts, and flipping Governorships and state legislatures all across the country. We sent RINO's(Republican In Name Only) packing in 2010. It was a historic election and a huge mandate. What Happened?
Our newly elected freshmen in congress moved the debate towards deficit reduction, while the establishment forgot their promises and moved to make compromise after compromise. Did the Tea Party forget its ideals and its objective for 2012?
The Tea Party started in opposition to the TARP bailouts, the Obama Stimulus, and it intensified into a national force during the Obamacare debate. The main objection with Obamacare being the individual mandate. We knew who was to blame for the crisis Obama's buddies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who were exempt in the so called Dodd Frank financial reform bill which did nothing but add more bureaucracy. Two other policies strongly opposed by the Tea Party were cap and trade and card check. Remember that any Republican that supported any of these was deemed a RINO?

So explain to me why the Tea Party is supporting and voting for Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney? Both supported TARP, the Stimulus, Individual Mandates for Healthcare, Carbon Cap and Trade systems, and both received money or did lobbying work for Fannie and Freddie. In 2010 we would have called these guys RINO's and voted them out. To top it off Newt back establishment liberal Dede Scozzafava "for the good of the party" in the NY 23 special election in 2009 over Tea Party Conservative Doug Hoffman. The result was Dede dropped out and endorsed the Democrat in the race but still received 6% of the vote which cost Hoffman the election. Neither of these men are champions of the TEA Party. These guys are clearly establishment RINO's. So why are they receiving TEA Party votes?

The objective is to oust President Obama, making him a one term President and to regain the Senate while continuing to replace RINO's with Conservatives. We won't achieve either objective if Mitt Romney is the nominee because conservatives won't turnout in large enough numbers to win for Romney like what happened in 2006 and 2008. Obama lite is not acceptable. I thought the Tea Party knew this, I guess they need reminding. Newt besides being a RINO, is pretty much finished in this race so to waste a vote on him is pointless.

The establishment has begun co-opting TEA Party Heroes of 2010 from Christine O'Donnell, Nikki Haley, Jan Brewer, Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio, and now Paul Ryan all have endorsed the establishments annointed one Mitt Romney. Do you want Willard "Mitt" Romney a RINO and a Flip flopper to be crammed down our throats and have two months of the Romney victory lap? Or do you want to derail the Romney express and be able to make your voice heard with your vote?

If you choose the latter then it is time for the Tea Party to join with social conservatives and unite behind one candidate that can halt the Romney express and that's Rick Santorum a candidate that never supported any of that stuff listed above. It is time for the Tea Party to Rise up again, get angry and reject the establishment's attempts to co opt and silence our voice. They want to end this primary and for us to sit down, shut up, and get behind their guy Romney "because they know what's best for us".  I am asking all TEA Party Americans to send a message loud and clear to the GOP Establishment:

Wisconsin and Maryland you have an opportunity to send Shockwaves through the political world by delivering crushing defeats to Mitt Romney making many establishment media experts heads explode. Time is running out to stop a repeat of the 2008 disaster. So make your voices heard and Vote for Rick Santorum.


Why Is The GOP Establishment So Desparate To End This Race?

In the past week we have witnessed an attempt by the media and the GOP Establishment to all but declare Romney the nominee. First you have the Romney campaign laughing at Rick Santorum's delegate math and arrogantly stating that Romney will be the nominee and the others should just drop out "so we can unite the party for the fall campaign". Then you have all the GOP media doing the same. Now just in the past few days we have had Jeb Bush, his father George HW Bush, Jim DeMint,  and yesterday Marco Rubio who said "Romney provided the starkest contrast to Obama" that's a joke because he does not provide any contrast. And now just today Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin just endorsed Romney saying of Romney that ""I am convinced that Mitt Romney has the skills, the tenacity, the principles,  the courage and the integrity to do what it takes to get America back on track," and "I believe he is the right person for the job." This becoming a chorus, the establishment has been piling on the endorsements this week in an attempt to cram Romney down our throats. They say that it is time for the race to end and to unite behind Romney. Despite the fact that half the states haven't had their vote yet. What's the Rush?  Last week at this time they were on this kick that conservatives were starting get behind Romney following his win in the very blue state of Illinois, Obama's home turf. They said that people were turned off by so called Santorum gaffe's and that it was pretty much over. What happened? Why the sudden need for the race to end immediately? Rick Santorum won Louisiana that's what happened. And not as close as experts predicted either but by a 23 point margin over Romney who only won one county in the entire state and that is the one with New Orleans. Rick smashed Romney in every category but one and that was the over $200k crowd. Newt "mr south" suffered his biggest thrashing on his so called turf hauling in only 16%. This result has the establishment elites in a fit because their narrative about conservatives getting behind Romney had just got thrown back in their face and rejected in Louisiana and it highlighted Romney's weaknesses again. So now we have this train of endorsements this week to bring back the air of inevitability to intimidate Rick Santorum out of this race. Its not working. All people like Rubio and DeMint have done is anger those that once believed them heroes of the conservative cause. Also this week we saw one campaign pretty much give up even trying to win but not officially calling it quits. I am talking about of course Newt Gingrich who let got one third of his campaign staff and replaced his manager, all of the embedded media have stopped following him as he has officially stopped actually campaigning. Instead he is devoting all resources to call delegates to pick him in August. He has even started charging $50 for a picture with him. Newt has clearly sunken to a new low. I implore all Newt people to PLEASE stop enabling  this man who clearly doesn't have beating Romney before the convention in his agenda. I should add that according to GOP rules that anyone having not received a plurality of the vote in at least 5 states can't be on the ballot meaning Newt and Ron Paul are out of luck, only Rick Santorum and Romney will be on the 1st ballot, we don't want a brokered convention either. As I have explained before a brokered convention does not end well for conservatives in 1976 Reagan took it to the convention with Ford and lost. Ford went onto lose to Jimmy Carter in the General election. The reason the establishment is pushing the narrative that our only choices are Romney or a brokered convention is because of several reasons. First it is a scare tactic to get people behind Romney rather than risk losing to Obama with a brokered convention. Second it builds the notion that Romney is inevitable and makes it seem as though Rick doesn't have a shot thus suppressing the vote. Third it has even conservatives pushing for it in hopes they can get someone like West or Palin in as the nominee. Fourth it allows stagnant Newt to stay in and still garner enough votes to keep Rick from ever catching Romney by dividing the vote. And finally it distracts us and gives us false hope for August when there isn't. Ron Paul's people have been planning for such an eventuality for years and as evidenced in Missouri they are working in conjunction with Romney. If this goes to the convention an establishment candidate will be chosen. The recent news that Newt had a secret meeting with Romney before Louisiana should have everybody wondering. Since then as mentioned above Newt has pretty much given up actually campaigning and is solely focused on August, but he is still technically in the race and will still take votes away from the other conservative. Newt says that no deal was made for him to get out. And I actually have to agree with that because I think the deal was for him to stay in the race as long as possible to keep Rick from catching him. There are only three possibilities at this point and they are as follows:

1. Newt stays in the race till the end takes enough votes to keep Rick from winning states like Wisconsin, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, and New York in April. It will also keep Rick from getting over 50% in Pennsylvania a state Rick should win. In May with states like North Carolina, Nebraska, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Texas likely going to Rick. Newt's presence will once again keep Rick from getting over 50% this is important because if Rick can get over that mark he can claim the vast majority of the delegates in those states if not then Mitt Romney will be able to claim large enough chunks of the delegates to keep his lead from ever shrinking. Romney will most likely win DC, Rhode Island, and Oregon but Newt will cost Rick the chance to win Indiana and West Virgininia.  Newt is not likely going to gain any significant amount of delegates going forward so his presence is puzzling. Finally Newt costs Rick any shot at beating Romney in California, New Mexico, Montana or New Jersey in June and from getting over the 50% threshold in South Dakota. The reality is with Newt in the race there is a strong possibility Romney could clinch 1144 by Utah on June 26th.

2. Newt remains in the race and none of the candidates surpasses the 1144 mark but Romney falls less than 200 shy and is the closest. We go to the convention and Romney brokers a deal with either Newt or Ron Paul or both and becomes the nominee on the 2nd or 3rd ballot.

3.  Whether Newt remains in the race or not he becomes irrelevant Rick wins Wisconsin and possibly Maryland then goes onto win 4 of 5 states on April 24th with Romney only winning Rhode Island. Then Rick goes onto have a HUGE month in May only losing Oregon to Romney. Then finally manages to pull off upset wins on June 5th and wins the nomination outright as the delegate count adjusts through the convention process. This scenario would be much easier to achieve if Newt would drop out and get behind Rick Santorum.

It has become clear that the establishment is afraid to let this primary race to go on because the longer that it goes on the more chance there is for their guy to lose. This nonsense that we need to wrap this up now to come together to beat Obama in the fall is pure garbage. In 2008 we basically wrapped up our nomination process in February following Super Tuesday and offically ended in late March while the Democrats primary went on till June and appeared poised to go their convention only it didn't. Who won the early finishers or the late finisher? Well since we are looking to unseat Obama I think the answer is obvious. We need the primary to continue until someone reaches 1144 or all the states have voted whichever happens first. I implore all conservatives to unite behind Rick Santorum to halt the Romney express.


4 Candidates And Only One Is Electable

Well a member of Mitt Romney's Campaign staff recently stated that as soon as Governor Romney wraps up the nomination he will shift to the Center and his "Conservatism" will be erased like an "Etch A Sketch". I don't know about you but I want a REAL Conservative not a candidate that can erase his Conservatism at will and as easily as he fabricated it. That's fake, phony, fabricated, not authentic, and it proves my point from my previous blogs. Mitt Romney has no core convictions, he is a manufactured candidate just like a certain current White House Occupant
Already the media is trying to spin this to say that he meant that he was going to reset for the General election campaign like all candidate's do.  Yeah and that is the problem we have with Romney and all of the candidates from the past, they weren't genuine or honest about their intentions or what they stood for, they said whatever they had to in order to get elected. Ronald Reagan was the exception and the media despised him. We don't need a candidate to "Reset" like some computer or VCR or Clock. We need an honest human being that believes what they say and actually does what they say they are going to do. Someone with actual convictions and an understanding of FREEDOM. That person is not Mitt Romney. It would be nice  if we could have a GENUINE CONSERVATIVE as our candidate. Clearly that's not "Mr. Etch A Sketch" Mitt Romney the guy that has conservatism that can be ERASED!!!!

We have had 35 contests in this Primary thus far including in America's territories. Newt Gingrich has two wins out of that 35 and 158 delegates based on estimates that aren't Pro Romney and he thinks he is still viable. He hasn't really been relevant for almost two months now. Newt has two wins and one of them is his home state which he didn't even win with over 50% of the vote, the other is his home states neighbour which came back in January before his downward slide. Newt made as central to his electability argument his debate performances only he got trounced in the final debates in Florida after which he whined about atmosphere.  He went on to finish 2nd in Florida and Nevada since then he has finished 3rd or last in every contest but 3 one of those was his Georgia win the others were his 2nd place finishes in Alabama and Mississippi. Newt has also stated that he has a "Southern Strategy" to win the nomination. Only he hasn't won very many Southern States. He finished 3rd in Tennessee, Oklahoma, and 2nd in Alabama, Mississippi, and wasn't even on the ballot in Virginia or Missouri. With Louisiana this Saturday, Newt is polling 3rd there. He is polling 3rd in North Carolina which holds its primary on May 8th.  With only 4 more primaries in the South and not for month after Saturday how can he justify staying in the race? Now he seems hell bent on staying in it till the convention hoping to get the nod in some brokered convention. One problem if he can't show a plurality of votes in at least 5 states he won't be allowed on the ballot at the convention. Since Newt can't do better than 3rd in most states that won't happen. His campaign which is running out of money is now touting this $2.50 per gallon gas and 4.2 % unemployment campaign rhetoric. And that is all it is rhetoric, campaign promises like his moon base, or Obama's insuring 30 million and more transparant government. Newt is even less electable than Romney because he doesn't have money and he has personal baggage on top of all the problems Romney also has, but worse than that Newt is no longer viable for the nomination, he has zero path to 1144 and all he is doing is helping the Massachussetts Moderate win states. At 2-33 Newt would be dead last in any sports league, not in the hunt for a championship. It is time for him to bow out and get behind Rick Santorum. Put the nation before his own personal ambitions.

Then you have Ron Paul the self proclaimed "Constitutionalist".  This claim is a joke, this election cycle Ron Paul has yet to win a single state and most of the time he is 3rd or 4th place in states, his one chance to go head to head with Romney he lost. Yet in caucus states his supporters have been creating chaos, disrupting the process, and attempting to usurp the will of the people by having their folks selected as delegates even though those delegates have been allocated to other candidates.  All in a scheme to use delegates to take the nomination at a brokered convention defying the will of the voters. This flies in the face of the constitution and freedom. Ron Paul and his cult of followers believe he is entitled to the nomination and they don't care that 85% of the party doesn't want him. Ron Paul a Constitutionalist? NO! Ron Paul is nothing but a typical power hungry politician.

Finally we have Rick Santorum the only candidate that actually has convictions. To those that say that Rick can't win or that he is unelectable or would get crushed by Obama. They are sadly mistaken. Rick Santorum has a Message that resonates with people: Faith and Family= FREEDOM!, Supply side economics for the Working Man, Made in America, Courage, and we need less government top down, more bottom up market based solutions. Rick has a plan. He is a passionate, inspiring, and authentic, leader that delivers his message to the people effectively. He is the only one that can make a clear contrast on the issues and the only one that is winning with a money disadvantage which we will need come November. Rick Santorum has a better shot at beating Romney than Newt Gingrich for two reasons. Rick has won 12 states to Newts 2 and thus has more delegates. And Rick has higher favorables and can actually win in states outside of the south. Rick has broader appeal since he attracts those Reagan Democrats and Independants with his Manufacturing plan and Bold fiscally conservative plan for the budget and taxes. And most importantly Rick is humble and understands how precious life is, he is genuine and honest with the American people. Watching him in Louisiana the other night and it was apparant to me that I have never seen any candidate like him, while the others ramble out rhetoric and generalities, Rick Santorum displays his knowledge, wisdom, humility, and he is real with people. Rick unlike Mitt or Newt won't "reset" in November he will face Obama as the Conservative Alternative and stand by his Convictions. As Ronald Reagan is proof of Conservatism WINS!


Mitt Romney: A Moderate That Can't Win in November!

For almost a year all we have heard is that Mitt Romney is Inevitable, the most Electable, the Only one that can beat Obama because he can win Moderates. The GOP Establishment and the Media have force fed this propaganda to us that people have actually started to believe it. The question is though is it True or just hype? Lets find out.

Thus far in the Primary race Mitt Romney has won New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Massachussetts which are four Northeastern Liberal states that no matter who the GOP candidate is none of them will carry those states.  Romney also won Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona, and Nevada; four states with heavy Mormon populations and in AZ he benfited from early voting. With exception of Nevada any GOP candidate would carry these states and Nevada is likely to go to the GOP regardless of who the nominee is. Romney won Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Mariana Islands; with exception of Hawaii none of those territories will be voting in November and Hawaii isn't going Red anytime soon. Romney won Alaska a state any GOP candidate will carry but if you take Newt out of the equation Rick Santorum wins the state. The same goes for Michigan and Ohio two states Romney narrowly won but wouldn't have if Newt weren't in the race, take Newt out and Santorum wins both swing states hands down. Mittens won Washington state another state no GOP will carry. Romney won Virginia but only Ron Paul opposed him on the ballot everyone also was DQ'd by the Romney machine so that win is a joke. Finally we have Florida and Illinois in both Romney benefitted from early voting and in the latter it was also an open primary meaning non Republicans could vote in it.  No Republican will carry Illinois in the fall and any GOP candidate can win Florida. As you can see Romney only has won in states with heavy mormon population, moderate/liberal blue states, states with early voting and/or open primaries plus he has narrowly won 3 states due to the conservative vote being divided. When you examine most of these "wins" you see Romney only wins in big cities and not in more rural areas, basically he wins like a Democrat. More importantly lets look at where Romney has lost. Romney lost Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Colorado, Tennesse, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Mississippi, and Kansas to Rick Santorum the first four states are swing states and Romney lost two of them handily, one unexpectedly, and Iowa narrowly, no Republican has won Minnesota in decades but it remans a swing state and Romney finished 3rd place there. The remaining states are guarranteed to go to the GOP regardless yet Romney got trounced in Kansas, and finished 3rd in AL and MS.  This is evidence that Romney has a real problem winning outside of Liberal/moderate states in the North east and west coast, an even worse problem securing Very conservative voters. This is a huge problem if Romney becomes the nominee and really brings the question of whether Mitt is truly electable to the fore front. Now lets examine what makes a candidate "electable".

*Message-An electable candidate has a message that resonates with the base.
*Messenger-The candidate has to be an effective messenger for their message and gain traction.
*Authenticity-For a candidate to be electable they must be believable and sincere in their beliefs. A Republicam needs to be authenitcally conservative. This requires Consistancy and Conviction.
*Grassroots Support-Without the backing of grassroots conservatives you aren't going to win.
*Energy-An electable candidate has to have energy behind him from the base.
*Inspiring-The candidate must be able to inspire his supporters with his message whenever he speaks.
*Draw Crowds-You obviously need to be able to draw enthusiastic crowds wherever you go.
*Money-Any GOP candidate has to be able succeed while being outspent because in the fall Obama will have the advantage. He will need conservative donors behind him.
*Clear Contrast-An electable candidate MUST be able to draw a clear contrast with Obama on the issues.

How does Mitt Romney score? He may have the most Money in the primary but he flunks in every other category. His message changes depending on the crowd, he is ineffective at delivering it, he is not authentic because of his policy flip flops which also means he can't make a clear contrast. He has no core convictions thus doesn't have grassroots support, energy, inspiration, nor can he draw crowds. Mitt Romney is thus UNELECTABLE. Don't believe me just ask the previous four Moderate "electable" candidates how they faired in the General election.

Gerald Ford: became President after Nixon resigned won the nomination over Reagan in 1976 was deemed most electable because he could win moderates. Result-Ford was trounced in the General election by Liberal wingnut Carter.

George H.W. Bush: Was given the benefit of the doubt in 1988 as Reagan's VP and was elected President over Dukakis but in his first term he proved to be a moderate breaking campaign promises. Yet again was the establishment choice even back in 1980. Finally got his chance without any Reagan effect in his re election 1992. Result-Got trounced by scandal ridden Bill Clinton.

Bob Dole: Another moderate hand picked by the establishment to be the GOP nominee. The former Senate Leader faced a very damaged, weak, scandal ridden President Clinton. Should be easy pickings right? Especially after such a huge mid term win. Result-Dole got beaten bad and Clinton was re elected in 1996.
Seeing a trend yet? Three Moderates faced easily beatable Liberal opponants but all three got trounced. Not convinced yet?

In 2008 after 8 years of George W. Bush. From Iowa on we were told that McCain was the most "electable". Thus John McCain marched on to the nomination with hardly a challenge. Meanwhile the Democrats bypassed presumed bland candidate Hillary Clinton for the "exciting" newcomer and relative unknown Barack Obama who had next to nill experience. Should have been easy pickings but we had very dull, very, stiff, unauthentic John McCain as our nominee too timid to really go after Obama. The selection of Sarah Palin as VP energized the base but following the economic collapse and McCain's fumbles and stumbles afterward and his complete failure to display any leadership reminded people why they didn't like McCain. Add to that McCain's complete mishandling of Palin allowing her to be thrown to the wolves unprepared inexcusable. Result-McCain lost badly in a huge Democrat wave. Would have been worse minus Palin. What do these four have in common? They were all Moderate GOP establishment choice candidates deemed "electable" by the media and the party elites. As soon as they wrapped up the nomination the media turned on them and destroyed them. They all faced beatable opponants but got beaten. Why? They were moderates and thus flunked in all categories above despite having the GOP machine behind them, they didn't have the support of the Conservative base who stayed home each time.  
Thus far in the 2012 race Conservatives have desparately been seeking a standard bearer not named Romney; Bachmann, Perry, and Cain have all fallen. Now only Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum remain to oppose Romney. If you look at every state outside of the most Liberal Blue states and Virginia the Conservative vote exceeded Romney everywhere. If Conservatives were united Romney wouldn't be squeeking by and running away with the nomination. Clearly conservatives don't want Romney and aren't enthusiastic or energized by him as the potential candidate. Those voting for him now most of them that are do so not because they like him or believe in him but because they believe the media hype that he is the most electable. Blinded by desparation to oust Obama some people are voting for the least electable candidate. What makes anyone believe that 2012 will change the trend of moderate losers?  Answer: He is not expected to just as in 2008 they pro Obama media is leading us to the most beatable candidate. The only difference this year is that because Romney has run a very aggressive, underhanded, dirty campaign thus far, there will be alot of bitterness and distaste should he become the nominee a disaster of epic proportions looms.

Barack Obama is the worst President in recent memory, his favorability ratings are low and with a bad economy, high gas prices, and poor leadership in foreign affairs. It should be easy to pick a principled conservative candidate following the Reagan model right? You would think so, but the establishment is hell bent on forcing unelectable moderate Romney upon us, people like sheep are falling for the Romney Most Electable lie like they did in 2008, and Newt Gingrich who is clearly no longer viable for the nomination refuses to exit the race and continues to divide the vote. Then you have Ron Paul out there playing the role of hammer for Romney and playing games with the delegates in caucus states in an attempt to override the will of the people that clearly don't want him.  It is clear who Romney's top rival is for the nomination and that is Rick Santorum. If we want to end this chaos and prevent an impending disaster in November I ask Conservatives and all Republicans to Unite behind the Only candidate that can win Rick Santorum!


A Man With A Plan for America!

With Rick's wins in Kansas, Mississippi, and Alabama over the past week and his likely win in the Missouri Caucus tomorrow where he won a primary over a month ago, it has become extremely evident that Rick Santorum is the Conservative Choice. While we have the so called front runner going around talking about his perceived "inevitability" and delegate math this being the GOP Elites chosen one Mitt Romney.  And then we have Newt Gingrich who saw his Southern Strategy burst right before his eyes in the last two weeks as Rick Santorum won every Southern state other than Gingrich's Georgia, he is going around talking about being the tortoise, that he wants to change Washington, making promises of $2.50 per gallon gas and 4.2% unemployment while totally ignoring the fact that he has no chance of winning this nomination. His supporters now seem bent on a brokered convention, which as I have already stated is a bad idea. We have also had Romney insist that Newt and Rick drop out so he can wrap this nomination up, we have also had Newt state that Mitt should drop out, just like he has asked Rick to in that past, Rick Santorum has yet to call on anyone to drop out of the race. Those around Rick may desire for Newt to drop out so as to unite the Conservative vote, but Rick hasn't done so himself. So we have Mitt arrogant and smug thinking he is inevitable and that we should just accept it and get on with his coronation as the nominee, then we have Newt desparate and delusional thinking he is still relevant when at this point he is just assuring that the Massachusetts Moderate wins, and finally we have Ron Paul who is totally irrelevant at this point and is running out of caucuses to campaign in. While his 3 opponants are using their time either being a bully or making empty promises or struggling to stay relevant Rick is campaigning and energizing the Republican Conservative base with his vision and plan for America. Lets take a look at Rick Santorum's Plan for America:

Unlike two of his opponants Rick Santorum never supported an Individual mandate for health insurance. First Rick will repeal Obamacare before anything else is done. Then Rick Santorum will implement his Free Market Conservative Plan for Healthcare that is bottom up rather than top down. Rick believes in Health Savings Accounts, buying insurance across state lines which creates more competition, and of course tort reform. All of these solutions will bring down the costs of Health Insurance in this country without the overbearing burden of government bureaucracy getting in the way. The rest of Rick's plan on Healthcare involves entitlement reform of Medicare/Medicaid.

Energy Independence
Rick yet again differs from his opponants as he never supported a Carbon cap and never bought into the myth of Man made Global Warming. Rick Santorum believes that in order for America to succeed we NEED to be Energy Independant. To accomplish this he would open up ANWR, the Bakken, offshore, etc for drilling and production. Second he would allow for hydrofracking wherever possible. Next Rick would see to it that more Refineries are built in this country so we can start refining our own oil. Rick would tap every oil and gas source we have while ending government subsidies including to ethanol something that Rick differs on with two of his opponants who would continue such subsidies. Rick also believes in Coal and nuclear power for our electricity needs. The very first thing Rick would do on energy is get that Keystone Pipeline built and flowing. It is time we stop depending on nations that hate us for our energy and become Energy Independent. Rick believes this and he doesn't need to make typical campaign promises like "$2.50 per gallon gas" to do it. Sayings like that are campaign slogans, promises that aren't meant to be kept because one can't control what happens. With Rick's plan in action I dare say we will see gas prices a heck of alot lower than $2.50 per gallon. Under a Rick Santorum administration Energy Independence will be achieved.

Educational Freedom
On Education Rick Santorum supports a limited Federal role, putting the power back in the hands of the consumer which are the Parents. Lifting mandates that make it difficult at the state and local level. Rick believes that education decisions should start with the parents, then involve the local, and state governments in that order. Rick believes personalizing education to the student and giving parents more options of where to send their child to school. One of the main reasons Rick voted for No Child Left Behind in the first place was his amendment which passed 91-8 to teach Intelligent Design in schools. In a Santorum administration Students would be the priority not the Teachers Unions and the Federal Bureaucracy.
As for Higher Education Rick believes in embracing all forms of it whether its trade school, job training, 2 year community college, undergraduate studies, joining the military, getting a job, and yes even the 4 year Universities. Once again he doesn't believe in the Federal Government having a large role in education at any level. Rick is absolutely correct in his assessment of the majority of College and University campuses that they are nothing more than Left Wing Indoctrination Centers designed to indoctrinate the youth into Leftist Secular Ideals and break them of their Faith and Traditions.  This is why Rick's focus on Faith and Family is so important as we need to build a solid foundation of moral values in children and ecourage them to pursue whatever they desire for higher education not just 4 year schools and better prepare them for the bombardment to come at such Universities. In summary Rick supports Educational Freedom that empowers parents and students to make the choices best for them rather than a one size fits all approach  that we have been using and has been failing. It is time for School and curriculum choice.

Once again Rick stands alone on an issue of importance. While Newt and Romney pander for votes stating that they would sign a version of the Dream Act which makes them no better than Obam on this issue. Rick Santorum supports enforcing the immigration laws which have not been enforced in years. He is bold with his words when he calls all "undocumented" aka Illegal Immigrants what they are-Criminals! he boldly states that they didn't just commit one crime, if they have been here for 20+ years they have commited numerous crimes; from social security fraud, identity theft, etc. Rick Santorum is not going to be lenient on criminals no matter how old they are. So while Newt would give a free pass to a Grandma that came here illegally, is likely using a stolen social security number and collecting benefits illegally from the government, Newt would give her a pass. And Romney believes in "self deportation". Rick simply believes in enforcing the laws and not punishing states like Arizona or doing the Federal governments job for them.
And breaking from the misconception that Republicans are anti immigrant; Rick Santorum the son of an Italian Immigrant believes in a vibrant legal immigration process and people seeking better opportunities in America. Which is why enforcing the law is so important so as not to disenfranchise those that play by the rules and become a citizen the right way.

Taxes and Spending
Rick unlike his counterparts never supported the Bailouts or the Obama Stimulus spending binges. And as mentioned earlier Rick never supported Cap and Trade or Individual Mandates for Health Insurance both of which include new taxes in them.  Rick supports cutting taxes and slashing spending in order to balance the budget. Rick's platform on Taxes includes two Income Tax rates of 10% and 28%, simplifying the tax code to just 5 deductions(Healthcare, Housing, Pensions, Children, and Charities), he would permanantly eliminate the Death(estate) Tax and marriage penalty tax, would increase the child tax credit and triple the individual child deduction while also making larger families eligable for such credits. This is part of Rick's focus on Families. Rick would eliminate the AMT(Alternative Minimum Tax, Reduce Capital Gains and Dividends taxes to 12%, eliminate the cap on deductions for losses incurred in the sale of a house, increase the Research & Development Tax Credit from 14% to 20%  making it permanent to rejuvenate innovation in America, and eliminate the tax on repatriated taxable corporate income invested for manufacturers equipment ,with5.25% corporate tax rate on other repatriated income invested in the USA, and 100% expenses for new business equipment. The part of Rick's plan talked about most that the Wallstreet Journal dubbed "Supply Side Economics for the Working man" Rick will cut the Corporate Tax rate in half from 35 % to 17.5% which by far more ambitious than Romney's plan to cut it to 25%, but to make it even bolder Rick reduces the Corporate Tax rate on Manufacturers to 0% thus eliminating it completely for them and allowing American manufacturers to compete on a more even playing field with their foreign counterparts, this also will bring jobs in the manufacturing sector back to America. This one componant of his plan makes it bolder than anyone elses and just what America Needs to get back on track. And of course he will make Bush's tax cuts permanant first and then implement his bold Tax Reform Plan. This tax plan will result in increased tax revenue  due to an increased tax base because of job growth in our economy as a result of Rick's Tax cuts and other reforms.

Tax cuts are just one part of Rick's plan to Balance the Budget. The second part involves spending cuts. First Rick Santorum would push for a Balanced Budget Amendment. Second Rick has pledged $5 Trillion dollars of real cuts over 5 years, when I say real cuts I mean actual cuts in spending not in the rate of growth like we have gotten the last 3 years. To accomplish this aside from passing the BBA which caps spending at 18%, Rick will implement Strong America Now  through the Lean Six Sigma management process as a key engine for cutting government waste and improving efficiency,
immediately reduce non-defense discretionary spending to 2008 levels with across the board spending cuts, freeze defense spending levels for 5 years rejecting automatic cuts, and freezing spending levels for social programs for 5 years such as Medicaid, Housing, Education, Job Training, and Food Stamps, time limit restrictions, and block grant to the States like in his successful Welfare Reform. During those five years Rick Santorum will be working on the most crucial part of his plan and that is Entitlement reform which will bring the spending levels on these programs under control and allow us to Balance our Budget as well as possibly see real surpluses in the future.

In Conclusion
Rick Santorum's vision for America is all about Faith, Family, and Freedom. His plan provides choices and freedom for families, it takes the government boot off the neck of Americans and companies. Rick's plan is Bold and Courageous and focused on Job Growth for America. Rick's vision, provides a bright one for America's future. If you are looking for a candidate that can stand out in contrast from Obama and that has a Bold vision and Leadership on the issues....Vote Rick Santorum in 2012 


 Newt Needs to Step Aside So Conservatism Can Win!

Newt Gingrich CAN'T WIN! He mathetically has zero shot at the nomination, the sooner he and his supporters accept this fact the better. Even if Newt wins both Mississippi and Alabama tomorrow he still will finish the month with no more than 180 and Rick will hit 330, while Mitt because of Newt's presence will hit 570. After Louisiana on the 24th there is no Southern Primary until May 8th in North Carolina in which Rick currently leads according to polls. All Primaries after April 1st are Winner take ALL which means 3rd and 4th place finishes that Newt has been getting won't cut it. By the time May rolls around because of Newt, Romney would have 785 delegates while Rick would have 450, and even assuming Newt wins NC that give him 235, Romney would win West Virginia and Indiana because of Newt giving him 862. with less than 700 delegates left at that point unless Newt finally dropped out Romney would be the nominee for sure. The longer Newt stays in the more likely Romney wins the nomination. Newt's last hoorah should have been Super Tuesday, the fact that he remains, leaves me to question why? When he himself called on Rick to do the same back in January when Rick had no reason to do so at the time but Newt does, he is way down in delegates, the polls, and support yet he won't take his own advice. Is it ego or pride? Or was he bought by Romney? No Matter what it is,. all he is doing at this point is divide the conservative vote. That's what happened in Michigan, Ohio, and Alaska. If we aren't careful it can happen elsewhere. Rick's decisive win in Kansas should prove how much this truly is a two man race now. So I implore Gingrich supporters to please stop enabling Newt. If you don't want Romney and want a candidate with morals, a strong economic plan, and can beat Obama; Pick Rick Santorum 2012


Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney Not as Conservative As They Claim to Be

It is time for a reality check when it comes to Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.  I am sick and tired of their supporters dragging out the same tired old and already refuted attacks against Rick Santorum.  It is pathetic and it is an act of the desparate. Since they won't let up on the smears it is time to get the facts straight.  When I am through both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich will be exposed for what they truly are FRAUDS!
Lets start by comparing their stances on the issues with that of Obama and Rick Santorum.

As you can see in the above chart there is very little difference between Newt, Mitt, and Obama. You can also see how Rick Santorum clearly contrasts with all three of them. Now I know that some of you might not be convinced by a simple chart displaying the candidates positions so I intend to examine each candidates positions much more closely. When I am finished you will not be able to deny the truth any longer about Newt and Mitt: They aren't as Conservative as many of you have come to believe.
Lets start by examining Newt Gingrich.   Speaker Gingrich loves to brag about being a conservative firebrand reformer in the 1990's when he was Speaker of the House from 1995 through 1998. Is he telling the truth? Lets find out where Newt really stands on the most important issues.
Newt Gingrich like Barack Obama supports an Individual Mandate for Healthcare Insurance as far back as 1993 through to as recently as this year. He still believes in  and I quote "Must Carry or mandatory Health Insurance or you can pay a $100K or $150K bond instead. Either way no Free Riders"  Newt also expressed suppport for Mitt Romney's Healthcare plan in Massachussetts. How is this different than Obama's mandate to have Health Insurance or pay a fine?
Answer: It's Not! 


Newt believes in Man Made Global Warming he went as far as to sit on a couch with Nancy Pelosi talking about what to do about Climate Change. He voted for a Cap and Trade program for Carbon. He believes in Green energy like Ethanol and in subsidies for energy. Again how does this really differ from Obama on this subject? Answer: It Does Not!

Newt supported the Lautenberg Gun Ban and numerous other Gun Control legislation on numerous occassions. Yet again how does this differ from Obama? Answer: It Does Not!

Newt Gingrich is supportive of the Dream Act with a Military Componant for young illegals. The Dream Act is basically Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. Obama has been pushing for the Dream Act with this componant and an education componant for four years. Newt during the Florida debate back in January stated that he would sign the Dream Act with this Military componant. I have to ask again do you see a difference between Newt and Obama on this issue? Answer: No Not Much!

Newt started out opposed but after about a week he switched his position because quote "business leaders told him it was a crisis". This wouldn't be the first time Newt supported bailouts.  In 2008 then Senator Obama voted for TARP and continued the program as President. Do you see a difference between Newt and the President? I don't.

Most surprising of all is that Newt praised aspects of the Obama Stimulus, specifically spending on you guessed it healthcare. I'm sorry but this is a double whammy of Bad for Newt. I for one can't see ever supporting someone that could praise one letter of the monstrosity that was the Obama Stimulus. Do you see a difference? I am starting to see a pale clone.

Ethanol a tenant of Obama's Green Energy Initiative and Newt not only is one of the few GOP supporters of it but one of his biggest supporters is an ethanol company that big shocker receives subsidies. This to me is another example of Newt's penchant for Green/Enviroment policies. This also smells of a potential Solyndra situation. Can we really afford to have a candidate that favors such things? Answer: A Resounding NO!!!!!

Newt just last year blasted the Paul Ryan Medicare Reform plan as and I quote "Right Wing Social Engineering". This cut the Ryan Plan off at the knees and essentially killed it. A GOP candidate that did this should have been long gone yet somehow Newt has managed to double talk his way into people's good grace's. Well perhaps people need a reminder. Obama also opposed such reforms to entitlements. I view this as a betrayal.

Newt is pretty much Pro Life and opposed to gay marriage, but he has been wishy washy on the former once supporting abortions in cases of rape, incest, etc. and he did not fight to end funding to famiy planning funds. On the latter he has a family member that is gay and has criticized conservatives on how they talk about the issue. He also has supported stem cell research in the past. On these issues Newt isn't as bad as other Republicans but he also isn't the strongest advocate for them.

Newt likes to brag that he balanced the budget for 4 straight years which were FY's 1997-2000. There are two major problem's with this assertion. First is that two of the years he is taking credit for he was no longer Speaker since he was ousted in 1998 before FY 1999's budget was put forward. The second problem is that during all 4 years the national debt went up. How is this possible if we balanced the budget and had supposed surpluses? I will tell you what happened there was no surplus that magically disappeared when George W. Bush took office and there was no balanced budget not really. What happened was that the Trust Funds that held surpluses and were supposed to be held in "Trust"-I am talking about Social Security, Military Retirement, etc,-were raided by Clinton and Newt Gingrich so they could balance the budget, only they used clever accounting gimmicks to hide the fact that they did this, so these trusts still show that this money that has already been spent is still in the trusts thanks to the double counting that Paul Ryan once spoke of on the Congress floor, but in reality all that is there are IOU's which are worthless and now that more baby boomers are retiring and there will more retired then are working the Social Security Trust will see deficits and is in serious trouble solvency wise if something isn't done. So while Newt takes credit and loves to brag about this "accomplishment" remember the high price we paid as a country. With corrupt scheme's like this is it any wonder why Newt's favorite President is FDR.

Newt is no different then Obama on the key issues of the day, how can we expect such a poor contrast to our current President to beat the incumbant? Debate skills and shiney rhetoric only get you so far in a Presidential Election especially when you are a Republican and you are running against an Incumbant even one who is as unpopular as Obama. You got to remember Obama has the whole media, his billion dollar campaign machine, the Unions/Special Interests, Hollywood, and his Super PACS behind him. Plus he is the President so he can go on TV anytime he wants.  Newt has baggage, is weak on the important issues, and he has a next to nill shot at the nomination at this point. I think I will pass on Newt.

Now lets talk about Mitt Romney and his stances on the issues. Governor Romney has a long history of being on both sides of an issue also known as flip flopping. Kind of reminds me  of another politician from Massachussetts that ran for President by the name of John Kerry. We all know how  Senator Kerry's attempt to unseat an Incumbant went. DEFEAT!  Lets examine Mitt's record more closely and see what the truth really is. 

As we all know by now Mitt Romney as Governor signed into law Healthcare reform that included an Indiviual Mandate in it. The Massachussetts Law has infamously become known as Romneycare and is known to be the predecessor and model for Obamacare. In fact Romney urged Obama to use his plan as a model and to use the individual mandate in his Healthcare law, 3000 pages and some dirty dealing later we have Obamacare. How can a candidate that supported and passed a law like this be seriously considered as a candidate in such an important election? Answer: He Can't Be!

Mitt Romney also signed into law the nations first Carbon Caps at the state level. Boy ol' Mittens was two for two. Romney believes in Global Warming/Climate Change and the junk science that says it is caused by man. He also believes government needs to do something about it through caps on carbon and green energy like Ethanol thus his support for ethanol subsidies. We all know that Obama failed to implement his Cap and Trade program, and that he loves Green Subsidies like for Ethanol after all Solyndra was a Green Energy Company. Gee can Romney become anymore of an Obama clone in Republican clothing? I am afraid to ask.

Mitt Romney as Governor supported his states Gun Control Laws and did everything he could to protect them. And in the same debate that Newt uttered that he would sign the Dream Act, Romney who just minutes before said he would veto the bill quickly stated that he would sign it with the Military componant. Showing his lack of conviction that he would change his stripes depending on the winds, he sensed he was losing Latino's and Independents to Newt after the Speaker pushed center on the issue so he flip flopped. The DREAM Act Obama's Amnesty Plan is yet another Obama Project that Romney stated support for plus Obama doesn't like guns unless they are in the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels thanks to Fast and Furious then they are OK. I'm Not seeing Any differences here.

Mitt Romney expressed support for the TARP Wall Street Bailouts BUT not for the Auto Bailouts.  He also supported the Obama Stimulus Package even going so far as saying that Bush should have signed it before leaving office. Then it flopped and he flipped again.  Romney opposes reforms to Social Security even went as far as to use left style attacks on an opponant who suggested it, you know the typical scare tactics. How can we even think of nominating this guy?

On Abortion, Gay Marriage, and other social Issues Mitt Romney has been on both sides of the Issues. In 1994 and 2002 when he was running for Senator and Governor he took the Liberal stance. Now that he is running for President we are supposed to believe he has had a Conservative awakening. Which Mitt would we get if he is Elected? Answer: We Don't Know.

Mitt Romney former Governor of Massachussetts is a Moderate at best, but based on this he is a progressive like Obama only with Republican flavor. I don't see any differences at all between Romney and Obama aside from the obvious, I also see a typical flip flopping politician with no convictions. No Thanks!

Finally we have Rick Santorum who unlike Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich has always opposed Individual Mandates, Cap and Trade, The Bailouts, The Obame Stimulus, Gun Control, Ethanol Subsidies, and Amnesty.  Rick has always been Pro Life and Opposed to Gay Marriage and Stem Cell Research on Embryos. Rick has always supported Entitlement reform and even led the way on Welfare Reform in the Senate, plus he attempted to do the same for Social Security. When Newt and Clinton were raiding the Trusts including Social Security, Rick voted for a measure to preserve Social Security and the others and prevent such actions. Rick has for over 20 years championed conservative causes and would clearly make the best contrast to Obama.

In Conclusion Vote4Rick Santorum in 2012

Examining Super Tuesday Results

Rick Santorum had a HUGE Night on Super Tuesday!
Rick won Tennessee and Oklahoma two Southern States and he won them handily. Then he pulled off a win in North Dakota and came within a hair of winning Ohio. Rick Santorum solidified himself as the conservative front runner last night. As he now has won in 7 states and he also finished a strong 2nd in Ohio and Alaska l ast night as well as several other places previously. What also is apparant is that if Rick wasn't kept off of the Virginia and kept from having a full slate in Ohio he would have done much better. It is what it is though and we move on to the next states where the Santorum Surge will continue as we move towards Kansas and its caucus Saturday; Mississippi, Alabama, and Hawaii who hold contests next Tuesday; plus Missouri-where Rick already won a primary-holds its caucus for delegates on the 17th of this month.  Contests in Illinois, Louisiana, and Puerto Rico are also looming, most of these upcoming contests favor Rick Santorum.

Mitt Romney has a Lackluster Super Tuesday!
Romney rolled into last night with the advantage in wins and delegates and he ended the night expanding his delegate lead but 4 of his wins last night came in states where he had virtually no opposition, and in Virginia his 5th win his only opposition on the ballot was Ron Paul yet he couldn't crack 60%. In Ohio after outspending his top opposition 12 to 1 in the state, his machine keeping Rick from having a full slate of delegates in Ohio just like he kept all his competition off Virginia's ballot except Ron Paul. Still Santorum almost beat Romney in Ohio. Romney was humiliated badly and still can't close the deal. One thing was made clear that more people voted against Romney just about everywhere then voted for Romney, if that vote unified behind one man, Romney would be finished. The states coming up don't favor Romney at all. Romney might pick up a few delegates by winning Samoa, US Virgin islands, and Guam but the only state that he will do well in is Illinois. Another thing that became apparant is that Romney is winning like a Democrat for the most part winning in the Urban areas getting overwhelmed everywhere else. Romney won his second home state, its neighbor, a heavy mormon state, a state where he might as well have run unopposed in Virginia, and Alaska a state where only Ron Paul campaigned. Finally Romney is benefitting from a divided conservative vote as soon as we unite behind one man its Game Over Mitt!

Planet Newt: Great In His Own Mind, In Reality Not So Much!
Last night Newt Gingrich finally won his 2nd state. His home state of Georgia, not exactly a surprise. Everywhere else though Newt finished 3rd place or dead last including in Tennessee and Oklahoma two states he once bragged he would win he finished a distant 3rd place in both. He served nothing more than spoiler in Ohio and Alaska insuring Romney squeeked out wins in those states. He finished 3rd in Ohio, and 4th in Alaska and everywhere else and like Rick wasn't on Virginia's ballot. Newt still trails badly in delegates and has become completely irrelevant as a candidate in this race. Should he continue he would serve as nothing more than a spoiler. Listening to Newt's speech last night you would think he just won the Super Bowl, it was all about him and all about his ego. He got obliterated everywhere except his home state, anyone else except Ron Paul would have bowed out gracefully and gotten behind Rick Santorum to Unite the Conservative Vote and their delegates. Not Newt he treks forward to Alabama where once again he polls 3rd and following his weak showing last night that won't change. Kansas and Mississippi also have contests coming up within the next week. If Newt loses all three how much longer can he justify his presence in this race? he has already cost Rick 3 states simply by his presence in the race. Newt Gingrich has choice to make stay in the race, continue to split the vote, continue to eat delegates, continue finishing 3rd or last place, and continue to play spoiler for Rick in his selfish quest for power and relevence handing Romney the nomination or he can bow out gracefully and back Rick Santorum and thus unite the Conservative vote against Mitt Romney.  Newt back in January before South Carolina had called on Rick Santorum to drop even though Rick had won Iowa and place higher than him in New Hampshire, it was kind of arrogant of him to do this at the time, now that he is at the bottom with no pathway out it is time for him to take his own advice and drop out and unite in the common cause of beating Romney and then Obama.

A Time to Make a Choice!
Newt supporters also have a huge choice to make in the coming days. Do they stay the course and continue supporting a candidate who at best finishes 3rd and 4th place and has zero chance of catching Romney and winning the nomination as he is 3rd place in delegates. Do you want Romney to be the nominee? If not I suggest you unite with us behind Rick Santorum the only candidate to have beaten Romney in a head to head match up and the candidate with the best shot to beat Romney going forward. Ask yourself  do you want to vote for a candidate who refuses to admit it is over for him and thus allow Romney a cake walk to the nomination or do you want to vote for a candidate with a real shot at beating Romney and can beat Obama in Rick Santorum.  If you choose the latter then stop enabling Newt and join us.

Why Is Ron Paul Still In The Race?
Congressman Ron Paul still hasn't won a single primary or caucus and there has been 23 so far, this doesn't figure to change anytime soon. He finished 3rd place or last in all but 4 contests one of which he was the only other one on the ballot. He is in last place delegate wise and he consistantly polls in last place everywhere. So why is he still in the race? I believe its in part because he wants to boost his libertarian message and also partly to help his son's future political career, which is why he agreed to his deal with Romney to be his wingman in exchange for a significant speaking spot and his son Rand as VP. His followers need to come to grip with reality that Ron Paul has zero chance of winning the nomination accept it and move on. Hopefully some of the more reasonable Paul supporters can then get behind Rick Santorum who is the only chance for us to beat Romney and go onto beat Obama come November.

Two Man Race!
In Conclusion it is now a two man race between Mitt Romney who has a huge lead in delegates and Rick Santorum who is in 2nd place and clearly far ahead of Newt who is way back in 3rd place.  A vote for anyone other than Santorum at this point is equatable to voting for Romney. I believe we all agree that Romney as the nominee basically assures Obama's re election so if you are voting for someone that has no shot at beating Romney essentially throwing your vote away you also are basically assuring 4 more years of Obama. So there are 3 choices at this juncture. First you vote for Romney and he becomes the nominee and loses. Second you can continue voting for a candidate other than Mitt or Rick and either insure Romney is the nominee or head to a brokered convention where the establishment not you or I will hand pick their guy and that person will lose. Finally you can unite the non Romney conservative vote behind Rick Santorum and we can Surge to the nomination and then the White House come November. Do the Right thing and Vote for Rick Santorum!


Newt and Mitt Use Same Line of Attack

In the past week we have witnessed Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich use the same line of attack against Rick Santorum. Romney called Rick "Big Labor's Favorite Republican" and shortly there after Newt echoed the charge saying that Rick was a "Big Labor Republican"

As the above illustrates both Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have attacked Rick Santorum as a Big Labor Republican recently. But is it True? No it is not according to Pennsylvania's Union Leaders. According to them Rick was no friend to Big Labor and the only times he voted with them was when it benefitted business as well as evidenced by Rick's vote against NAFTA. Not only that but Rick received low grades from Big Union AFL-CIO only getting a 12% and most of the time a 0%. So this notion of Rick being a Big Labor Republican is completely FALSE.

Newt on the other hand is on record praising Former Head of SEIU Andy Stern including in one of his books. So maybe Newt should look in the mirror if he wants to see a Big Labor Republican.

So as you can see it is Newt not Rick who favors unions and the attack both Newt and Mitt leveled against Rick Santorum is completely false. Now you have to ask yourself why are Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney using the same line of attack against Rick Santorum? It almost seems coordinated in a way. Lets examine the evidence. We know that Newt was in bad shape financially a few weeks ago when suddenly his biggest backer Sheldon Adelson who had cut him off had a change of heart after having had meetings with Mitt Romney he shells out another $10 Million to Newts PAC. Mitt who is in close battles with Rick in Michigan, Arizona, and Washington at the time and now has Ohio where things are close as well. And Newt who is desparate to get back in the race by winning his home state of Georgia, Tennessee, and Oklahoma but was trailing in the latter two states by double digits. Then comes the attacks from Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and then Newt. Rick lost Michigan, Arizona, and Washington. Plus now polls have tightened in Ohio and Tennessee. Newt's lead in Georgia has expanded from 6 to double digits and Rick has gone from 2nd place there to 3rd 2 points behind Romney. So it is evident how the attacks have benefitted all parties, and it is clear that it was a coordinated attack on Santorum.  These are not the actions of men who should be our nominee. These are the actions of cowards, bullies, and desparate men desparately seeking power. So please  don't let these falsehoods sway your opinion and Vote for Rick Santorum!


Cutting Through the Lies About Rick Santorum

After the events of the past week I am positively disgusted with the GOP Establishment, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Obama, the Democrats, and the entire Mainstream media including FOX News. The Corruption, Lies, Spin, Distortions, Dirty Politics, and Manipulations of the past week are simply appalling.  
First you have the media's distortions of Rick's statements and positions on certain issues then they downright lie about his campaign saying that he isn't focused on jobs that he is a social issues candidate. They distorted his statements about Kennedy's speech, his positions on birth control and women in the workplace. They made it seem as though Rick was "Theocratic Statist that wanted women at home barefoot and pregnant and that he was going to ban birth control and enforce his religious beliefs on America". And nothing could be further from the truth.  In reality what Rick really said about JFK's speech was that this view point that only people of non faith can congregate in the public square, express themselves and participate in public life and discussions in policy goes against the First Amendment. That Kennedy was wrong in his statement that Faith should be kept in the privacy of the home and had no place in public discourse. The 1st amendment of our constitution guarrantees the free exorcise of religion in public. Our Founder's very much recognized the Role of faith in public life and policy making as many states had state religions, and the bible was a text book in schools back then. So when Rick made his statements he was saying that he as a man of faith and all people of faith have every right to draw from their beliefs when making decisions in public policy making that doesn't mean that he is going to enforce a national religion. Second on this non issue of Birth control, it was NOT Rick Santorum and the Republicans that opened this can of worms, contrary to what the Liberal media would have you believe it was Obama and the Democrats that made this an issue and continue to make it an issue. The reality is that not a single Republican is out there trying to ban birth control in any shape or form. What Rick Santorum has stated is that it is wrong for the Federal Government to place a mandate on Catholic Organizations forcing them to provide birth control in their health plans. The reason Rick and other Republicans are opposed to this mandate and the bogus "compromise" is because it violates the 1st amendment rights of Catholics since the Catholic Church is opposed to birth control on moral grounds and it goes against church law. That is what Rick has been talking about that Freedom is at stake as evidenced by this mandate, that this HHS mandate is case and point as to what happens when Government creates rights as opposed to God given rights as defined in our founding documents.  Finally on this issue of Rick being against women working, this once again is total and absolute hogwash. All Rick said was that BOTH choices should be affirmed, that women that choose to stay home and raise a family shouldn't be ridiculed by feminists, that women who choose life shouldn't be insulted. And he only expressed concerns about women on the frontlines not that he was opposed to it. This is what happens when words are taken out of context and the media spin machine gets to work

This brings me to Mitt Romney and his attack machine. As you all know Romney out spent Santorum in Michigan 5 to 1 and did everything but throw the kitchen sink at him. The lies and distortions about Rick's record were disgusting. Having Romney call Rick as Big Spending, Big Government, Washington Insider is simply laughable. Rick Santorum got HIGH marks from every Conservative group out there and with the likes of Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, David Limbaugh, and Mark Levin all of whom despise Big Government and Big Spending makes it even more of a joke. Add to that the fact that Romney is the author of Romneycare; Massachussetts State Healthcare plan that includes gasp an Individual Mandate and double gasp a mandate on Catholic Institutions for abortions and birth control. Romney also put in place the nations first carbon cap. Mitt Romney supported TARP and Stimulus funds. Romney accused Rick on his earmarks when guess what Mitt Romney sought earmarks for the Olympics which amounted to more than what was ever spent on the games, plus he touted his DC connections to bring in the money. I guess that makes Mitt a Big Spending, Big Government, with Washington Insider friends. And because he made these attacks it also makes him a hypocrite. Romney also has managed to be on both sides of an issue, that makes him a flip flopper. We all saw how flip flopper Kerry fared in the General Election. Also we have Mitten's whining about Rick's "dirty trick" trying to reach out to Michigan's Reagan Democrats. I guess Mittens and some others have forgotten how Ronald Reagan won his two consecutive landslides in the 1980's. Not surprised since Mitt wasn't a Reagan supporter.  You have Mitt accusing  Rick of using Obama tactics, excuse me? It was not Rick that adopted the language of Occupy Wall Street in the past week, no that would be Mitt Romney who stated that he would cut deductions on charity, homes, etc on the "richest 1%" and he talked about tax cuts and progressive rates for the "middle class". I'm sorry but this is the class warfare language of the left not how Conservatives speak. Rick has a plan to bring jobs back to America by cutting taxes for all Americans, but cutting federal spending, and passing a balanced budget amendment. Finally as a prime example of corruption in a back room deal the Michigan GOP Big Wigs got together and changed the rules for allocating the at large delegates after all the votes had been cast and pretty much counted when it looked like both Romney and Santorum would walk away with half the delegates each receiving 15, no the Establishment couldn't allow Romney to be humiliated in his home state like that so they awarded Mitt both at large delegates giving him a 16 to 14 edge thus breaking the rules. Of course Arizona and Florida already broke party rules when they allocated their delegates in winner take all fashion for Romney prior to April 1st, 2012 all delegates are to be proportional. This is the kind of back room dirty politics that Sarah Palin warned of and spoke against.  Now they are at it again in Ohio trying to scare voters into believing that Rick is not on the ballot in parts of the state that he isn't eligible for a quarter of the delegates and so on. The truth is that Rick is on the ballot in the whole state and he needs to win the popular vote to help him get most of the at large delegates, and he only didn't file nine delegate names out of 48. The rest is a distortion perpetrated by the Pro Romney media. Too bad for Romney he won't have a money or media advantage in November and with his policy flip flops and total lack of substance he will wilt and lose.

Then you have Ron Paul out there making statements like Rick Santorum is a "fake" conservative. This from the guy that loads bills with earmarks then doesn't vote for the bill. This from the 4th biggest earmarker in Congress. This from the man who would legaliza narcotics and prostitution. I don't take anyone seriously that would allow Iran to have a nuke, sorry. To all the Paul folks as yourself this why is it that Ron Paul who basically had given up on Michigan why was he running ads against Rick Santorum and not Romney? In fact we haven't seen any ads run against Romney nor any attacks by Ron Paul against Romney or vice versa. What we have seen though is Ron Paul behave like Romney's wingman targeting anyone that even sniff's at Romney. Rush Limbaugh and others have speculated that perhaps there is a deal between Romney and Paul for Ron Paul's son to be Romney's VP choice should Mitt get the nod. If this is true I guess that makes the faux conservative Ron Paul a sell out as well as a fraud.

Next we have Newt Gingrich whose campaign was dead in the water a month ago as he was down in the polls, down in delegates, on a losing streak, out of money, and running out of support. Now all of a sudden the man who cut him off breathed new life into Newt's campaign. Adelson who had held meetings with Romney had said he was cutting Newt off then less then two weeks ago suddenly an about face when Rick was leading in Michigan and only trailing by a few in Arizona. You would think that it would be Romney that drew Newt's focus for attack right? Nope instead Newt has been targeting Rick Santorum calling him a "Big Labor and a Big Government Conservative". I am sorry Newt coming from the guy that voted for the creation of the Department of Education, locking up lands for the environment in Alaska and North Dakota, voting to give China preferred nation status, supporting an individual mandate, supporting global warming, TARP, the Stimulus, praising Romneycare, and stating that he would sign Amnesty bill the Dream Act that was ALL Newt not Rick Santorum. On the Labor issue it wasn't Rick that praised former SEIU head Andy Stern, no that would be Newt. So Newt's attacks are laughable at best, hypocrisy at worst. Newt has become utterly irrelevant since finishing 2nd place in Florida and Nevada he as finished 3rd or last place in 8 straight contests, and the only state he leads at the moment is his home state of Georgia on Super Tuesday, he is a distant 2nd in Oklahoma 20 points behind and everywhere else he places 3rd or last meanwhile Rick Santorum leads in Ohio, Tennessee, and Oklahoma with a chance at more. If Newt were to drop out today it would dramatically improve Rick's chances of winning  alot more contests on Super Tuesday, his continued presence only serves to help Mitt Romney. Since Newt's whole argument has been debates, well the last debate failed to give him any bump in the polls and outside the South Newt polls a distant 3rd place and even dead last in someplaces. Newt should take his own advice. The fact that he hasn't makes me wonder if he has made a deal with Romney to stay in the race.

Lastly we have all this talk about the only options being Romney or a Contested/Brokered Convention. As I have stated before we don't want a Brokered Convention as it tends to favor the establishment guy. The only reason they are acting worried about it is for two reasons. One is because nobody in their bullpen is stepping up and they are frantic to find someone if Mitt fails. And two they are worried about the chaos and disorder of it and that it will cost us the General Election. Make no mistake though that they are using this notion to damage Santorum, making it as though him getting the nomination is not a possibility to scare people from Rick Santorum. They are even dangling Sarah Palin as a possible candidate to come out just to draw people away from Santorum. Remember this is the GOP Establishment we are talking about here, there is no way they would ever let Palin be the nominee in a situation they control like a Brokered Convention. The only threat to them is Paulbots and their stacking delegates at the caucuses. So Please put this issue to rest.

In conclusion this race has been bitter and more vicious then any previous GOP contest in recent memory. And it is evident that the GOP Machine is doing everything in it's power to prevent Rick Santorum from being our nominee which just makes me want him more. Rick is a man of Integrity and Principle who would lead this Great Nation with Respect for Faith, Freedom, and Family restoring morality to America for Future Generations.


    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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