Cutting Through the Lies About Rick Santorum

After the events of the past week I am positively disgusted with the GOP Establishment, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Obama, the Democrats, and the entire Mainstream media including FOX News. The Corruption, Lies, Spin, Distortions, Dirty Politics, and Manipulations of the past week are simply appalling.  
First you have the media's distortions of Rick's statements and positions on certain issues then they downright lie about his campaign saying that he isn't focused on jobs that he is a social issues candidate. They distorted his statements about Kennedy's speech, his positions on birth control and women in the workplace. They made it seem as though Rick was "Theocratic Statist that wanted women at home barefoot and pregnant and that he was going to ban birth control and enforce his religious beliefs on America". And nothing could be further from the truth.  In reality what Rick really said about JFK's speech was that this view point that only people of non faith can congregate in the public square, express themselves and participate in public life and discussions in policy goes against the First Amendment. That Kennedy was wrong in his statement that Faith should be kept in the privacy of the home and had no place in public discourse. The 1st amendment of our constitution guarrantees the free exorcise of religion in public. Our Founder's very much recognized the Role of faith in public life and policy making as many states had state religions, and the bible was a text book in schools back then. So when Rick made his statements he was saying that he as a man of faith and all people of faith have every right to draw from their beliefs when making decisions in public policy making that doesn't mean that he is going to enforce a national religion. Second on this non issue of Birth control, it was NOT Rick Santorum and the Republicans that opened this can of worms, contrary to what the Liberal media would have you believe it was Obama and the Democrats that made this an issue and continue to make it an issue. The reality is that not a single Republican is out there trying to ban birth control in any shape or form. What Rick Santorum has stated is that it is wrong for the Federal Government to place a mandate on Catholic Organizations forcing them to provide birth control in their health plans. The reason Rick and other Republicans are opposed to this mandate and the bogus "compromise" is because it violates the 1st amendment rights of Catholics since the Catholic Church is opposed to birth control on moral grounds and it goes against church law. That is what Rick has been talking about that Freedom is at stake as evidenced by this mandate, that this HHS mandate is case and point as to what happens when Government creates rights as opposed to God given rights as defined in our founding documents.  Finally on this issue of Rick being against women working, this once again is total and absolute hogwash. All Rick said was that BOTH choices should be affirmed, that women that choose to stay home and raise a family shouldn't be ridiculed by feminists, that women who choose life shouldn't be insulted. And he only expressed concerns about women on the frontlines not that he was opposed to it. This is what happens when words are taken out of context and the media spin machine gets to work

This brings me to Mitt Romney and his attack machine. As you all know Romney out spent Santorum in Michigan 5 to 1 and did everything but throw the kitchen sink at him. The lies and distortions about Rick's record were disgusting. Having Romney call Rick as Big Spending, Big Government, Washington Insider is simply laughable. Rick Santorum got HIGH marks from every Conservative group out there and with the likes of Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, David Limbaugh, and Mark Levin all of whom despise Big Government and Big Spending makes it even more of a joke. Add to that the fact that Romney is the author of Romneycare; Massachussetts State Healthcare plan that includes gasp an Individual Mandate and double gasp a mandate on Catholic Institutions for abortions and birth control. Romney also put in place the nations first carbon cap. Mitt Romney supported TARP and Stimulus funds. Romney accused Rick on his earmarks when guess what Mitt Romney sought earmarks for the Olympics which amounted to more than what was ever spent on the games, plus he touted his DC connections to bring in the money. I guess that makes Mitt a Big Spending, Big Government, with Washington Insider friends. And because he made these attacks it also makes him a hypocrite. Romney also has managed to be on both sides of an issue, that makes him a flip flopper. We all saw how flip flopper Kerry fared in the General Election. Also we have Mitten's whining about Rick's "dirty trick" trying to reach out to Michigan's Reagan Democrats. I guess Mittens and some others have forgotten how Ronald Reagan won his two consecutive landslides in the 1980's. Not surprised since Mitt wasn't a Reagan supporter.  You have Mitt accusing  Rick of using Obama tactics, excuse me? It was not Rick that adopted the language of Occupy Wall Street in the past week, no that would be Mitt Romney who stated that he would cut deductions on charity, homes, etc on the "richest 1%" and he talked about tax cuts and progressive rates for the "middle class". I'm sorry but this is the class warfare language of the left not how Conservatives speak. Rick has a plan to bring jobs back to America by cutting taxes for all Americans, but cutting federal spending, and passing a balanced budget amendment. Finally as a prime example of corruption in a back room deal the Michigan GOP Big Wigs got together and changed the rules for allocating the at large delegates after all the votes had been cast and pretty much counted when it looked like both Romney and Santorum would walk away with half the delegates each receiving 15, no the Establishment couldn't allow Romney to be humiliated in his home state like that so they awarded Mitt both at large delegates giving him a 16 to 14 edge thus breaking the rules. Of course Arizona and Florida already broke party rules when they allocated their delegates in winner take all fashion for Romney prior to April 1st, 2012 all delegates are to be proportional. This is the kind of back room dirty politics that Sarah Palin warned of and spoke against.  Now they are at it again in Ohio trying to scare voters into believing that Rick is not on the ballot in parts of the state that he isn't eligible for a quarter of the delegates and so on. The truth is that Rick is on the ballot in the whole state and he needs to win the popular vote to help him get most of the at large delegates, and he only didn't file nine delegate names out of 48. The rest is a distortion perpetrated by the Pro Romney media. Too bad for Romney he won't have a money or media advantage in November and with his policy flip flops and total lack of substance he will wilt and lose.

Then you have Ron Paul out there making statements like Rick Santorum is a "fake" conservative. This from the guy that loads bills with earmarks then doesn't vote for the bill. This from the 4th biggest earmarker in Congress. This from the man who would legaliza narcotics and prostitution. I don't take anyone seriously that would allow Iran to have a nuke, sorry. To all the Paul folks as yourself this why is it that Ron Paul who basically had given up on Michigan why was he running ads against Rick Santorum and not Romney? In fact we haven't seen any ads run against Romney nor any attacks by Ron Paul against Romney or vice versa. What we have seen though is Ron Paul behave like Romney's wingman targeting anyone that even sniff's at Romney. Rush Limbaugh and others have speculated that perhaps there is a deal between Romney and Paul for Ron Paul's son to be Romney's VP choice should Mitt get the nod. If this is true I guess that makes the faux conservative Ron Paul a sell out as well as a fraud.

Next we have Newt Gingrich whose campaign was dead in the water a month ago as he was down in the polls, down in delegates, on a losing streak, out of money, and running out of support. Now all of a sudden the man who cut him off breathed new life into Newt's campaign. Adelson who had held meetings with Romney had said he was cutting Newt off then less then two weeks ago suddenly an about face when Rick was leading in Michigan and only trailing by a few in Arizona. You would think that it would be Romney that drew Newt's focus for attack right? Nope instead Newt has been targeting Rick Santorum calling him a "Big Labor and a Big Government Conservative". I am sorry Newt coming from the guy that voted for the creation of the Department of Education, locking up lands for the environment in Alaska and North Dakota, voting to give China preferred nation status, supporting an individual mandate, supporting global warming, TARP, the Stimulus, praising Romneycare, and stating that he would sign Amnesty bill the Dream Act that was ALL Newt not Rick Santorum. On the Labor issue it wasn't Rick that praised former SEIU head Andy Stern, no that would be Newt. So Newt's attacks are laughable at best, hypocrisy at worst. Newt has become utterly irrelevant since finishing 2nd place in Florida and Nevada he as finished 3rd or last place in 8 straight contests, and the only state he leads at the moment is his home state of Georgia on Super Tuesday, he is a distant 2nd in Oklahoma 20 points behind and everywhere else he places 3rd or last meanwhile Rick Santorum leads in Ohio, Tennessee, and Oklahoma with a chance at more. If Newt were to drop out today it would dramatically improve Rick's chances of winning  alot more contests on Super Tuesday, his continued presence only serves to help Mitt Romney. Since Newt's whole argument has been debates, well the last debate failed to give him any bump in the polls and outside the South Newt polls a distant 3rd place and even dead last in someplaces. Newt should take his own advice. The fact that he hasn't makes me wonder if he has made a deal with Romney to stay in the race.

Lastly we have all this talk about the only options being Romney or a Contested/Brokered Convention. As I have stated before we don't want a Brokered Convention as it tends to favor the establishment guy. The only reason they are acting worried about it is for two reasons. One is because nobody in their bullpen is stepping up and they are frantic to find someone if Mitt fails. And two they are worried about the chaos and disorder of it and that it will cost us the General Election. Make no mistake though that they are using this notion to damage Santorum, making it as though him getting the nomination is not a possibility to scare people from Rick Santorum. They are even dangling Sarah Palin as a possible candidate to come out just to draw people away from Santorum. Remember this is the GOP Establishment we are talking about here, there is no way they would ever let Palin be the nominee in a situation they control like a Brokered Convention. The only threat to them is Paulbots and their stacking delegates at the caucuses. So Please put this issue to rest.

In conclusion this race has been bitter and more vicious then any previous GOP contest in recent memory. And it is evident that the GOP Machine is doing everything in it's power to prevent Rick Santorum from being our nominee which just makes me want him more. Rick is a man of Integrity and Principle who would lead this Great Nation with Respect for Faith, Freedom, and Family restoring morality to America for Future Generations.
3/3/2012 01:33:39 pm

Welcome to the big leagues...this has happened to every candidate that has surged this past year and Santorum has received no worse treatment than anyone else. If he wanted the race to be easy he should have just stayed in last place. Face it, Romney has been pre-ordained and will lose to Obama. But the establishment GOP has been promised their House and Senate committee chairs back in return. And the only people who get screwed are the American people.

3/4/2012 08:37:53 am

Actually you are wrong. None of the other candidates received the concerted all out assault like Rick is receiving from his fellow candidates and the media. It is a smear campaign and coordinated between Rick's opponants who seem to be echoing eachother. What will Romney do when he can't outspend his opponant? Nothing is inevitable. We will fight for Rick to the bitter end.

3/3/2012 02:01:33 pm

Rush is Right. Obama and the liberal Mainstream Media have invented the NON-issue of contraception as a tool of Deception and Distraction so that the American people will not focus on the real Danger of Obamacare and socialized medicine, which will threaten the lives of millions of Americans and Bankrupt all Americans, Young and Old. We would do well by not falling for this fabricated contraception distraction.

Rush: Dick Morris Is Right On Obama's Real Motivation On Contraception --- It's all a manufactured NON-issue trumped up by the Liberal Media because Obama has NOTHING to Run on!

It's not an accident that even Mitt Romney's supporters are utilizing Obama's contraception propaganda when they feel that it is politically expedient for Romney, while being oblivious to the fact that this issue is a manufactured trap for the GOP in November. I believe Mitt Romney will use this issue toward the end of the primaries in order to Flip Flop toward the Left by positioning himself as historically being an abortion-rights advocate in Massachusetts while utilizing the liberal FALSE PREMISES crafted by Obama's propaganda department.

Romney and Obama Both Rejected for Pushing Socialized Medicine Down American's Throats

Obama's class warfare gimmicks and vacuous speeches of Obama will NOT win this election for him. Nor will Obama's ability to reverse a phrase of criticism from his political critics in his speeches which expose his high levels of incompetence. We all know that Obama will try to resort to corrupt Chicago politics of voter fraud and by turning non-issues into major issues. Remember class ... Obama never solves the problems within the issues of the News; Obama creates the problems and issues only to use the liberal News Media to blame it on his political opponents.

Democrats, Liberals, and Socialist Progressives, suffer from a psychological condition called "Transference Projection Disorder" whereby the sufferer unconsciously redirects their own feelings and attitudes to another. It is also a psychological defense mechanism in which the Liberal attributes ("projects") to others, their own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions (such as racism). For example, the fact that the Liberal Media's own Democrat Party had a direct and significant part to play in inspiring the racial oppression of blacks which continues on today by imposing and assuming a slave mentality upon every black person as if it's their responsibility corral all us black folk back into the socialist plantation. The Fact of the Democrats obsession with racial division, race-baiting and class warfare originates from the injustice system that they themselves created in the past. This fact is far too painful for the Liberal's public self-image and her pride to handle.

Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

The Democratic Progressive Party Sees "Blacks" as "Useful Idiots"

Due to liberals fragile mental state and psychosis, it's no wonder why millions of Americans don't really take anything they say seriously in the media. Even the liberal media would be shocked to realize the fact that the growing majority of Americans also don't take their manufactured news seriously either, because liberal reporters are just plane crazy and unreasonable. Even those who use to call themselves Democrats are becoming too embarrassed and ashamed to associate with the Party.

ObamaCare is so Dangerous that it will kill you and will destroy and bankrupt America standard of living, quality of living and end all private insurance in America.

Young Americans (OWS) Destroyed & Bankrupt by US Socialists

3/5/2012 06:09:32 am

I'm with Matthew. There are many of us out here who know the truth & we have our faith & God behind us. We love our country & are tired of the main stream media telling us what we're going to do. We will fight for Rick till the end because he's the best candidate! WE PICK RICK!!


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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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