Mitt Romney: A Moderate That Can't Win in November!

For almost a year all we have heard is that Mitt Romney is Inevitable, the most Electable, the Only one that can beat Obama because he can win Moderates. The GOP Establishment and the Media have force fed this propaganda to us that people have actually started to believe it. The question is though is it True or just hype? Lets find out.

Thus far in the Primary race Mitt Romney has won New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Massachussetts which are four Northeastern Liberal states that no matter who the GOP candidate is none of them will carry those states.  Romney also won Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona, and Nevada; four states with heavy Mormon populations and in AZ he benfited from early voting. With exception of Nevada any GOP candidate would carry these states and Nevada is likely to go to the GOP regardless of who the nominee is. Romney won Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Mariana Islands; with exception of Hawaii none of those territories will be voting in November and Hawaii isn't going Red anytime soon. Romney won Alaska a state any GOP candidate will carry but if you take Newt out of the equation Rick Santorum wins the state. The same goes for Michigan and Ohio two states Romney narrowly won but wouldn't have if Newt weren't in the race, take Newt out and Santorum wins both swing states hands down. Mittens won Washington state another state no GOP will carry. Romney won Virginia but only Ron Paul opposed him on the ballot everyone also was DQ'd by the Romney machine so that win is a joke. Finally we have Florida and Illinois in both Romney benefitted from early voting and in the latter it was also an open primary meaning non Republicans could vote in it.  No Republican will carry Illinois in the fall and any GOP candidate can win Florida. As you can see Romney only has won in states with heavy mormon population, moderate/liberal blue states, states with early voting and/or open primaries plus he has narrowly won 3 states due to the conservative vote being divided. When you examine most of these "wins" you see Romney only wins in big cities and not in more rural areas, basically he wins like a Democrat. More importantly lets look at where Romney has lost. Romney lost Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Colorado, Tennesse, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Mississippi, and Kansas to Rick Santorum the first four states are swing states and Romney lost two of them handily, one unexpectedly, and Iowa narrowly, no Republican has won Minnesota in decades but it remans a swing state and Romney finished 3rd place there. The remaining states are guarranteed to go to the GOP regardless yet Romney got trounced in Kansas, and finished 3rd in AL and MS.  This is evidence that Romney has a real problem winning outside of Liberal/moderate states in the North east and west coast, an even worse problem securing Very conservative voters. This is a huge problem if Romney becomes the nominee and really brings the question of whether Mitt is truly electable to the fore front. Now lets examine what makes a candidate "electable".

*Message-An electable candidate has a message that resonates with the base.
*Messenger-The candidate has to be an effective messenger for their message and gain traction.
*Authenticity-For a candidate to be electable they must be believable and sincere in their beliefs. A Republicam needs to be authenitcally conservative. This requires Consistancy and Conviction.
*Grassroots Support-Without the backing of grassroots conservatives you aren't going to win.
*Energy-An electable candidate has to have energy behind him from the base.
*Inspiring-The candidate must be able to inspire his supporters with his message whenever he speaks.
*Draw Crowds-You obviously need to be able to draw enthusiastic crowds wherever you go.
*Money-Any GOP candidate has to be able succeed while being outspent because in the fall Obama will have the advantage. He will need conservative donors behind him.
*Clear Contrast-An electable candidate MUST be able to draw a clear contrast with Obama on the issues.

How does Mitt Romney score? He may have the most Money in the primary but he flunks in every other category. His message changes depending on the crowd, he is ineffective at delivering it, he is not authentic because of his policy flip flops which also means he can't make a clear contrast. He has no core convictions thus doesn't have grassroots support, energy, inspiration, nor can he draw crowds. Mitt Romney is thus UNELECTABLE. Don't believe me just ask the previous four Moderate "electable" candidates how they faired in the General election.

Gerald Ford: became President after Nixon resigned won the nomination over Reagan in 1976 was deemed most electable because he could win moderates. Result-Ford was trounced in the General election by Liberal wingnut Carter.

George H.W. Bush: Was given the benefit of the doubt in 1988 as Reagan's VP and was elected President over Dukakis but in his first term he proved to be a moderate breaking campaign promises. Yet again was the establishment choice even back in 1980. Finally got his chance without any Reagan effect in his re election 1992. Result-Got trounced by scandal ridden Bill Clinton.

Bob Dole: Another moderate hand picked by the establishment to be the GOP nominee. The former Senate Leader faced a very damaged, weak, scandal ridden President Clinton. Should be easy pickings right? Especially after such a huge mid term win. Result-Dole got beaten bad and Clinton was re elected in 1996.
Seeing a trend yet? Three Moderates faced easily beatable Liberal opponants but all three got trounced. Not convinced yet?

In 2008 after 8 years of George W. Bush. From Iowa on we were told that McCain was the most "electable". Thus John McCain marched on to the nomination with hardly a challenge. Meanwhile the Democrats bypassed presumed bland candidate Hillary Clinton for the "exciting" newcomer and relative unknown Barack Obama who had next to nill experience. Should have been easy pickings but we had very dull, very, stiff, unauthentic John McCain as our nominee too timid to really go after Obama. The selection of Sarah Palin as VP energized the base but following the economic collapse and McCain's fumbles and stumbles afterward and his complete failure to display any leadership reminded people why they didn't like McCain. Add to that McCain's complete mishandling of Palin allowing her to be thrown to the wolves unprepared inexcusable. Result-McCain lost badly in a huge Democrat wave. Would have been worse minus Palin. What do these four have in common? They were all Moderate GOP establishment choice candidates deemed "electable" by the media and the party elites. As soon as they wrapped up the nomination the media turned on them and destroyed them. They all faced beatable opponants but got beaten. Why? They were moderates and thus flunked in all categories above despite having the GOP machine behind them, they didn't have the support of the Conservative base who stayed home each time.  
Thus far in the 2012 race Conservatives have desparately been seeking a standard bearer not named Romney; Bachmann, Perry, and Cain have all fallen. Now only Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum remain to oppose Romney. If you look at every state outside of the most Liberal Blue states and Virginia the Conservative vote exceeded Romney everywhere. If Conservatives were united Romney wouldn't be squeeking by and running away with the nomination. Clearly conservatives don't want Romney and aren't enthusiastic or energized by him as the potential candidate. Those voting for him now most of them that are do so not because they like him or believe in him but because they believe the media hype that he is the most electable. Blinded by desparation to oust Obama some people are voting for the least electable candidate. What makes anyone believe that 2012 will change the trend of moderate losers?  Answer: He is not expected to just as in 2008 they pro Obama media is leading us to the most beatable candidate. The only difference this year is that because Romney has run a very aggressive, underhanded, dirty campaign thus far, there will be alot of bitterness and distaste should he become the nominee a disaster of epic proportions looms.

Barack Obama is the worst President in recent memory, his favorability ratings are low and with a bad economy, high gas prices, and poor leadership in foreign affairs. It should be easy to pick a principled conservative candidate following the Reagan model right? You would think so, but the establishment is hell bent on forcing unelectable moderate Romney upon us, people like sheep are falling for the Romney Most Electable lie like they did in 2008, and Newt Gingrich who is clearly no longer viable for the nomination refuses to exit the race and continues to divide the vote. Then you have Ron Paul out there playing the role of hammer for Romney and playing games with the delegates in caucus states in an attempt to override the will of the people that clearly don't want him.  It is clear who Romney's top rival is for the nomination and that is Rick Santorum. If we want to end this chaos and prevent an impending disaster in November I ask Conservatives and all Republicans to Unite behind the Only candidate that can win Rick Santorum!

3/21/2012 02:46:22 pm

I agree and will vote for newt, they do not like he must be ok. I remember the newt scandal and knew he was blackballed.

3/21/2012 03:28:23 pm

And I will vote for Santorum; a true conservative within striking distance of Romney. If we don't want Romney, let's not divide the vote.


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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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