4 Candidates And Only One Is Electable

Well a member of Mitt Romney's Campaign staff recently stated that as soon as Governor Romney wraps up the nomination he will shift to the Center and his "Conservatism" will be erased like an "Etch A Sketch". I don't know about you but I want a REAL Conservative not a candidate that can erase his Conservatism at will and as easily as he fabricated it. That's fake, phony, fabricated, not authentic, and it proves my point from my previous blogs. Mitt Romney has no core convictions, he is a manufactured candidate just like a certain current White House Occupant
Already the media is trying to spin this to say that he meant that he was going to reset for the General election campaign like all candidate's do.  Yeah and that is the problem we have with Romney and all of the candidates from the past, they weren't genuine or honest about their intentions or what they stood for, they said whatever they had to in order to get elected. Ronald Reagan was the exception and the media despised him. We don't need a candidate to "Reset" like some computer or VCR or Clock. We need an honest human being that believes what they say and actually does what they say they are going to do. Someone with actual convictions and an understanding of FREEDOM. That person is not Mitt Romney. It would be nice  if we could have a GENUINE CONSERVATIVE as our candidate. Clearly that's not "Mr. Etch A Sketch" Mitt Romney the guy that has conservatism that can be ERASED!!!!

We have had 35 contests in this Primary thus far including in America's territories. Newt Gingrich has two wins out of that 35 and 158 delegates based on estimates that aren't Pro Romney and he thinks he is still viable. He hasn't really been relevant for almost two months now. Newt has two wins and one of them is his home state which he didn't even win with over 50% of the vote, the other is his home states neighbour which came back in January before his downward slide. Newt made as central to his electability argument his debate performances only he got trounced in the final debates in Florida after which he whined about atmosphere.  He went on to finish 2nd in Florida and Nevada since then he has finished 3rd or last in every contest but 3 one of those was his Georgia win the others were his 2nd place finishes in Alabama and Mississippi. Newt has also stated that he has a "Southern Strategy" to win the nomination. Only he hasn't won very many Southern States. He finished 3rd in Tennessee, Oklahoma, and 2nd in Alabama, Mississippi, and wasn't even on the ballot in Virginia or Missouri. With Louisiana this Saturday, Newt is polling 3rd there. He is polling 3rd in North Carolina which holds its primary on May 8th.  With only 4 more primaries in the South and not for month after Saturday how can he justify staying in the race? Now he seems hell bent on staying in it till the convention hoping to get the nod in some brokered convention. One problem if he can't show a plurality of votes in at least 5 states he won't be allowed on the ballot at the convention. Since Newt can't do better than 3rd in most states that won't happen. His campaign which is running out of money is now touting this $2.50 per gallon gas and 4.2 % unemployment campaign rhetoric. And that is all it is rhetoric, campaign promises like his moon base, or Obama's insuring 30 million and more transparant government. Newt is even less electable than Romney because he doesn't have money and he has personal baggage on top of all the problems Romney also has, but worse than that Newt is no longer viable for the nomination, he has zero path to 1144 and all he is doing is helping the Massachussetts Moderate win states. At 2-33 Newt would be dead last in any sports league, not in the hunt for a championship. It is time for him to bow out and get behind Rick Santorum. Put the nation before his own personal ambitions.

Then you have Ron Paul the self proclaimed "Constitutionalist".  This claim is a joke, this election cycle Ron Paul has yet to win a single state and most of the time he is 3rd or 4th place in states, his one chance to go head to head with Romney he lost. Yet in caucus states his supporters have been creating chaos, disrupting the process, and attempting to usurp the will of the people by having their folks selected as delegates even though those delegates have been allocated to other candidates.  All in a scheme to use delegates to take the nomination at a brokered convention defying the will of the voters. This flies in the face of the constitution and freedom. Ron Paul and his cult of followers believe he is entitled to the nomination and they don't care that 85% of the party doesn't want him. Ron Paul a Constitutionalist? NO! Ron Paul is nothing but a typical power hungry politician.

Finally we have Rick Santorum the only candidate that actually has convictions. To those that say that Rick can't win or that he is unelectable or would get crushed by Obama. They are sadly mistaken. Rick Santorum has a Message that resonates with people: Faith and Family= FREEDOM!, Supply side economics for the Working Man, Made in America, Courage, and we need less government top down, more bottom up market based solutions. Rick has a plan. He is a passionate, inspiring, and authentic, leader that delivers his message to the people effectively. He is the only one that can make a clear contrast on the issues and the only one that is winning with a money disadvantage which we will need come November. Rick Santorum has a better shot at beating Romney than Newt Gingrich for two reasons. Rick has won 12 states to Newts 2 and thus has more delegates. And Rick has higher favorables and can actually win in states outside of the south. Rick has broader appeal since he attracts those Reagan Democrats and Independants with his Manufacturing plan and Bold fiscally conservative plan for the budget and taxes. And most importantly Rick is humble and understands how precious life is, he is genuine and honest with the American people. Watching him in Louisiana the other night and it was apparant to me that I have never seen any candidate like him, while the others ramble out rhetoric and generalities, Rick Santorum displays his knowledge, wisdom, humility, and he is real with people. Rick unlike Mitt or Newt won't "reset" in November he will face Obama as the Conservative Alternative and stand by his Convictions. As Ronald Reagan is proof of Conservatism WINS!

Theresa Corbin
3/22/2012 07:20:46 am

Rick Santorum - he's one of us!

Donna C
3/23/2012 02:29:26 pm

Rick Santorum all the way!!!

Margaret Dutkowski
3/23/2012 09:41:57 pm

Rick is the best candidate we have & the most genuine person running. He has the most knowledge of issues, both foreign policy & domestic policy, & he's our best chance to beat Obama.


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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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