It Is Time For The Tea Party To Wake Up and Stop The Establishment

I have to ask What Happened to The TEA Party? In 2009 and 2010 the TEA Party rallied in opposition to Obama's policies and we managed to deliver a huge blow to the out of control Obama Agenda in the form of Election victories in 2009 and 2010 giving Republicans control of the House with record gains, adding 7 seats in the Senate including the unlikely win in Massachusetts, and flipping Governorships and state legislatures all across the country. We sent RINO's(Republican In Name Only) packing in 2010. It was a historic election and a huge mandate. What Happened?
Our newly elected freshmen in congress moved the debate towards deficit reduction, while the establishment forgot their promises and moved to make compromise after compromise. Did the Tea Party forget its ideals and its objective for 2012?
The Tea Party started in opposition to the TARP bailouts, the Obama Stimulus, and it intensified into a national force during the Obamacare debate. The main objection with Obamacare being the individual mandate. We knew who was to blame for the crisis Obama's buddies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who were exempt in the so called Dodd Frank financial reform bill which did nothing but add more bureaucracy. Two other policies strongly opposed by the Tea Party were cap and trade and card check. Remember that any Republican that supported any of these was deemed a RINO?

So explain to me why the Tea Party is supporting and voting for Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney? Both supported TARP, the Stimulus, Individual Mandates for Healthcare, Carbon Cap and Trade systems, and both received money or did lobbying work for Fannie and Freddie. In 2010 we would have called these guys RINO's and voted them out. To top it off Newt back establishment liberal Dede Scozzafava "for the good of the party" in the NY 23 special election in 2009 over Tea Party Conservative Doug Hoffman. The result was Dede dropped out and endorsed the Democrat in the race but still received 6% of the vote which cost Hoffman the election. Neither of these men are champions of the TEA Party. These guys are clearly establishment RINO's. So why are they receiving TEA Party votes?

The objective is to oust President Obama, making him a one term President and to regain the Senate while continuing to replace RINO's with Conservatives. We won't achieve either objective if Mitt Romney is the nominee because conservatives won't turnout in large enough numbers to win for Romney like what happened in 2006 and 2008. Obama lite is not acceptable. I thought the Tea Party knew this, I guess they need reminding. Newt besides being a RINO, is pretty much finished in this race so to waste a vote on him is pointless.

The establishment has begun co-opting TEA Party Heroes of 2010 from Christine O'Donnell, Nikki Haley, Jan Brewer, Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio, and now Paul Ryan all have endorsed the establishments annointed one Mitt Romney. Do you want Willard "Mitt" Romney a RINO and a Flip flopper to be crammed down our throats and have two months of the Romney victory lap? Or do you want to derail the Romney express and be able to make your voice heard with your vote?

If you choose the latter then it is time for the Tea Party to join with social conservatives and unite behind one candidate that can halt the Romney express and that's Rick Santorum a candidate that never supported any of that stuff listed above. It is time for the Tea Party to Rise up again, get angry and reject the establishment's attempts to co opt and silence our voice. They want to end this primary and for us to sit down, shut up, and get behind their guy Romney "because they know what's best for us".  I am asking all TEA Party Americans to send a message loud and clear to the GOP Establishment:

Wisconsin and Maryland you have an opportunity to send Shockwaves through the political world by delivering crushing defeats to Mitt Romney making many establishment media experts heads explode. Time is running out to stop a repeat of the 2008 disaster. So make your voices heard and Vote for Rick Santorum.

Rebekah Stearns
3/30/2012 01:41:37 am

Exactly!! You ask very good and very important question!! I do not understand why we are compromising!?! Romney will do a terrible job debating Obama and he's just buying his way to the president's office. And don't get me started on Gingrich or Paul. Santorum Is a wonderful choice and an answer to prayers; why would we let this opportunity slip by??? WE PICK RICK!!!

Chris Downey
3/30/2012 06:34:31 am

I agree. Please give specific advice beyond working social media--already doing. Recommend organizing now to defeat any politician who endorses Romney, regardless of the outcome of this current process.

Romney must not be the nominee. He will lose in November, but what's worse, it would not be any better if he won. Most of Barrack Obama's policies have been cloned from Romney's governance of Massachusetts. The GOP establishment is trying to suppress the Tea Party.

One positive in the temporary rise of the Romney is that several politicians who rode the Tea Party into office or to prominence have now outed themselves as pure opportunists without core convictions. Time to take names and vote them out of office. Your list is a good start.

Donna Corvino
4/3/2012 02:25:10 am

Very well said, very good questions!! Are they really going to wake up?? I already have most of my Tea Party friends on Rick's side. Except for 2! They did jump from Newt's ship to Rick's!! Now they are spreading info about Rick around & doing everything they can do to help Rick win!!! If Mitt does get the nod. Better pray & hope America can handle another embarrassment from who they vote in 2012!!!

4/3/2012 05:38:57 am

One of the things that happened that I believe has hindered the Tea Party this election cycle was that many of us including me were waiting for Sarah Palin to enter the race, others were holding out for West or some other Tea Party hero to enter. When that didn't happen and when Palin decided not to run at the very late date of October 5th, the Tea Party fractured between various candidates. Many were bedazzled by the Cain Train and his fancy rhetoric. I was never impressed by him. Others went to Rick Perry, but he fizzled. I saw someone comment about the Tea Party's failure to rally around Bachmann. I like Michele Bachmann and she scored a victory in the Iowa Straw poll which knocked out Tim Pawlenty but then enter Rick Perry and the Gardasil debate, when she fixated on the vaccine itself rather than the mandate, plus the big misake she made in hiring Ed Rollins, doomed her chances. Plus I witnessed a lot of ill will towards her from Palinista's a sentiment I never agreed with and argued over extensively. I believe Palin's late decision, a very divided Tea Party, and a long list of sellouts have really hurt the Tea Party. Even now with Newt still in the race their is some division. Hopefully we can unite in time to halt Romney.

4/10/2012 08:49:34 am

We've just learned today, April 10, that Rick suspended his campaign. It will be difficult for Rick to gather enough support after this point to win the nomination. Newt probably won't be able to rally enough support either, unless Santorum completely drops out and endorses him.

9/24/2012 10:12:57 pm

Because of posts like this I surf the internet and when I found you, the time I felt I was wasting, just turned my thoughts around and now I am thinking I invested my time in something really interesting.


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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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