Well Election 2013 has come and gone, even though most like myself only had local stuff on the ballot there were a few high profile races these being, the New Jersey and Virginia Governors races and the Mayoral contests in New York City and Detroit. Needless to say it was a disappointing night.
As expected NJ Governor Chris Christie was easily reelected in what is conventionally a blue state. And already the talking heads have crowned him front runner status despite the fact that he is not well liked, trusted, nor does his values jive with a majority of conservative voters. If conservatives are united Christie doesn't stand a chance in the GOP primary but if the RINO establishment abandons Jeb and unites behind Christie only someone with superior name recognition that is an authentic conservative would beat them because divided we fail, United We Stand. Just say No to Christie!
Grade: C-
Another election result that came as no surprise was the fact that New York City voted for Democrat De Blasio who is an even bigger nanny state type than his predecessor Bloomberg and that's saying something since Bloomberg was a huge nanny stater.
Second was the Bankrupt city of Detroit they opted for 4 more years of Democrat policies which already have run their city into the ground after running Detroit for decades. Democrat Mike Duggan isn't the answer for Detroit. It's sad the GOP didn't even run a candidate in Detroit the choice was between two Democrats. These two races illustrate how ill informed or misinformed the voters are in todays America they too readily accept whatever the media tells them. Part of the problem is the GOP doesn't even really try in those races so of course you can't win if you don't put the effort in. The Urban population votes lock step Democrat and it has run their cities into the ground  with high poverty rates, high crime rate, high unemployment,  few jobs to be had, and overall run down. They Need to Wake Up!
Grade: F
It was an outrageous travesty that non Virginian carpet bagger, former DNC chair, and long time Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe was able to win the Virginia governors race over TEA Party favorite Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli who was the first Attorney General to file against Obamacare. I guess it pays to outspend your opponent 10-1 including a 4-1 margin in closing days. It is an utter disgrace that the GOP establishment abandoned Cuccinelli in the final weeks for what end? To try and turn this election into some kind of referendum on the TEA Party? That's stupid. What the GOP establishment just did was hand the Democrats the governorship in a crucial swing state like Virginia.  Add to that the likely Democrat nominee is Hillary Clinton, allowing McAuliffe a longtime friend and crony of the Clintons to win there has seriously damaged our 2016 chances because now the Dems have a machine behind them in Virginia. For shame Republicans.
Grade: F-
The GOP Establishment, MSM, and Democrats would have us believe that the 2013 Election was a referendum on the TEA Party and they hope its Death Nail. That bunch of hog wash couldn't be further from the Truth. The TEA Party didn't have a candidate in New Jersey,  New York City or Detroit.  We did have a candidate in Virginia that lost, but he didn't lose because he was Tea Party.
The Establishment is touting Christie's win and Cuccinelli's defeat as Moderates with big personalities like Chris Christie win even in blue states while Conservative Hard liners like Cuccinelli lose in what was once a reliable red state and now is very purple. That narrative is pure fiction and they know it. Chris Christie won in a state that is predominantly Moderate to Liberal and he is a Moderate with a larger than life presence, his opponent was a Pelosi clone that wasn't funded by her own party, essentially she was fed to the wolves like a lamb to slaughter. Plus Christie was popular in Jersey because of his Storm response. It was one on one unlike in Virginia.  In the Virginia race it was a Three way between McAuliffe the Democrat, Cuccinelli the Republican, and Sarvis the Libertarian. The Republican only lost by about 2% while the Libertarian garnered 6% do the math take Sarvis out of the race, off the ballots, and polls Cuccinelli would of been ahead in the polls in a two way race thus turn out would of been stronger for a perceived winner, plus the added 6% of the vote that Sarvis had and it would of been a huge Tea Party win in Virginia.
Election 2013 was a referendum but not on the TEA Party, it was a referendum on 3rd Parties. Yet again a 3rd Party candidate cost us an Election by splitting the conservative vote. Then there is the revelation that we learned on the day prior to the election.  The Libertarian Candidate was funded by an Obama campaign bundler who paid to get him on the ballot. So if Democrats are paying money to get a 3rd Party candidate on the ballot its obvious they know this will split the vote. So to all those arguing for a new 3rd party, why should we make the Democrats job easy by splitting our vote willingly?  I hope this puts the calls for a 3rd Party to an end. If we are to win in 2014 we need to be united behind one candidate not divided between 2 or more candidates.
Election 2013 was more than just a referendum it was a Betrayal.
It is evident that the Establishment RINOs made a deal with the Democrats to bury the TEA Party. The Democrats left their Pelosi clone of a gubernatorial candidate in New Jersey Barbara Buono to the wolves and the Establishment GOP fed Ken Cuccinelli to the wolves in Virginia. Both cut funding their candidates, and in Virginia high profile Virginia Republicans endorsed McAuliffe or refused to get behind Cuccinelli. Eric Cantor a House Republican leader from Virginia members of his campaign staff worked for McAuliffe. Why? To squash the TEA Party Grassroots. The GOP Establishment hates its own base so much that they essentially threw a critical governor race in a swing state just to stick it to the Tea Party. This should be an outrage to all Republicans, they betrayed us, and sold us out for the last time. It's time we cleaned house of all these RINOs come primary time and all the Democrats come November 2014.

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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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