Obama Mandate Blunder or Strategy

As you all know President Obama recently issued a mandate through HHS (Health and Human Services Department) using the authority of  Obamacare to force Catholic organizations like charities and hospitals to pay for contraceptives, sterilization, and other immoral things that violate Catholic teachings and law. This blatantly violates the 1st Amendment Rights of Catholics in this country as it abridges Freedom of Religion. Obama riled Catholic fury with this move so he made what he calls a "compromise" making the insurers pick up the tab. Two problems, first this is a doubling down not a compromise because he knows that many of these organizations are self insured and thus still stuck with the bill, those that aren't it passes along to everybody. Second its not a compromise since the other party involved didn't agree to it, in fact the Catholic Bishops see right through his ploy. You can't compromise with yourself, this was a tactical adjustment NOT a compromise. This brings me to another point, anyone that believes Obama accidently stepped into this and that it is a blunder is mistaken. As far as Obama is concerned this action was deliberate, intentional, and part of his strategy. His strategic game plan by doing this is evident: he wants to trap Republicans into being against Contraceptives, to create a narrative that the GOP candidate wants to ban them and is thus extreme. Now we know why Stephanopolis badgered Romney on contraceptives during that New Hampshire debate a month ago. Luckily Senator Santorum has seen through this tactic by the left and has been making this an issue about Freedom, Religious Liberty, and what happen's when government creates rights. Very well played by Rick. Also we can not getted bogged down by just this one issue, it is great to galvanize the base but we need to keep talking about the economy which I am glad to see Rick Santorum doing. There is a debate tonight in Arizona and I am sure this will come up. Stay Tuned!
Rick Santorum 2012

Ed B
2/22/2012 07:31:09 am

Good thinking Rad. You nailed it.


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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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