Setting the Record Straight

Well the Romney attack machine has turned its sights on Rick Santorum and he is not alone Ron Paul and Pro Newt media sources have begun attacking Rick Santorum as well.  They are attacking his record, his character, his integrity, his values, and even his family.  I have seen Rick called a "Pro Life Statist" , a "Religious Bigot", a "Big Government Guy",  and a whole host of other names.  I have seen a many smears and lies about Rick's record. I would like to set the record straight on a few of them right now.
First I have seen people saying that Rick voted to fund Planned Parenthood, this is misleading and deceptive.  The truth is Rick voted for the Budget which happened to include funding for Planned Parenthood, Rick fought tooth and nail to have that removed but at the end of the day you got to vote for the budget. While on this point how dare Newt folks criticize Rick for voting for the budget while bragging that Newt "balanced the budget" meaning he voted for the very same budgets.  On the matter of the budget people are saying Rick voted to raid Social Security instead of using Surpluses. First there was no surplus in the General Fund only deficits it was Newt and Clinton that raided that trust to hide the deficits. Newt is the one bragging about those budgets. Rick has stated he opposed this action. So any Newt folks bashing Rick for these two items and defending Newt, there is a word for this; hypocrite. Another thing I am seeing is this idea that Rick is a Big Government guy because he has voted for some earmarks and raised the debt limit. Firstly Newt has voted to raise the debt limit as well and second he did what was expected of him by his constintuents. And on the earmarks, people mistake allocated funds for ones state for the Solyndra's, items like Solyndra is nothing but Pork and crooked back scratching. McCain brought up earmarks to avoid talking about the real heart of our spending problem and that is entitlements. Pork Items should be stopped that is why Rick supports line item veto and the Balanced Budget Amendment.  Rick opposed the Stimulus Package in its entirity and the whole concept, Newt however praised parts of it. Mitt Romney wants to slam Rick Santorum on earmarks yet when he was in charge of the Olympics as he likes to brag he turned around, he sought a Congressional Earmark to help him do that, yet again hypocrisy on display. Rick is Not a Libertarian that doesn't make him a Big Government guy. On the matter of his No Child Left Behind Vote the bill he voted for was completely different then what was implemented as parts of the bill were stripped out during the reconciliation committee including the Santorum Amendment which would have allowed for Intelligent Design to be taught in class in counter to Evolution Theory. The bill was meant to insure students weren't just passed along without learning English and Math, the concept was good but like with all things from the federal government the implementation was bad. Unlike Mitt and Newt who continue to defend their mistakes Rick states that he regrets his vote for No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D because they aren't the kinds of things he supports. Rick wants Health Savings Accounts, Insurance Competition across State Lines, Tort Reform, entitlement reform of Medicare and medicaid, and he wants to get the Federal Government out of Healthcare. In Education he wants to return the power to the local governments and eliminate all the federal mandates on education and he would like to see school choice. Rick Santorum supports bottom up solutions to things not top down, he believes the role of government is to be the referee on the sidelines not the QB. The only candidates in this race to have supported Individual mandates for healthcare, Carbon Caps and man made Global warming, Bailouts, Stimulus, Amnesty,  Creating the department of education, supports government subsidies, and against entitlement reform are Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Thus the only Big Government Guys in this race are Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The Only reason they are all attacking Rick and his record is because they are desparate, Rick is surging, and they don't have a record they can defend so they have to attack and distort Rick's record. Well as long as Rick Santorum stays on message and remains positive while answering the smears in a positive way he should continue to surge as we are seeing in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and elsewhere. The Attacks are backfiring as people are tired of the negative campaigning they want solutions and Rick Santorum is offering them.
Rick Santorum 2012

Mike Ridgway
2/17/2012 03:26:16 am

Good work, Matthew.

2/17/2012 04:18:03 am

Great article - thanks for countering misconceptions and lies with truth.


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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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