To Broker or Not To Broker

We have been hearing a lot about a Brokered Convention lately.  The Establishment and Mainstream Media have been saying that if Romney falters that that's where we are headed. Ron Paul people are banking on this eventuality, some Newt folks, and others wanting other candidates are also talking about it.  And of course the Palin Earthquake Movement which I once supported seems to be moving in this direction as well. So what is a Brokered Convention you ask? Well as opposed to the typical Open Convention, it occurs when none of the candidates achieve the majority of the delegates during the primary process and nobody crosses that threshold during the first ballot at the convention. Once this happens all the 2000+ delegates are released to vote for whoever on the next ballot. This is Problematic for Conservatives because we don't have the organization or influence to insure that these delegates all get behind one candidate. Thus the power is in the hands of the Party's Power Brokers who will secure a large enough block for an establishment candidate like Mitch Daniels or Chris Christie or even Jeb Bush. While conservatives will be divided amongst the likes of Palin, Bachmann, West, Cain, and a dozen others, the Establishment will be united with their main threat coming from Ron Paul people who have been attempting to stack delegates in the caucus states by becoming the delegates. This is a chaotic scenario that does not favor Conservatives at all, in fact the last time we had one was in 1976 when the establishment screwed Reagan in favor of Ford. So it doesn't end well for us. The reason it is a hot topic now is because Romney is struggling and Rick Santorum is Surging. The Establishment want to discourage people from voting for Santorum by making it seem as though his winning is not an option, they even go as far to dangle Palin as a carrot knowing full well that she won't come out of a Brokered Convention.  Clearly what we need to do is prove them all wrong and surge forward and bring Rick Santorum across the Finish Line with the needed 1144 Delegates, we have a long way to go till that happens. I am Ready and Prepared for it are you?

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    The Radical Voice Matthew Centola. I am 30 years old from Rochester, NY Conser abdvative Catholic.


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